Linux Cycles

Instructional Unix Cycle Servers

The CSE Instructional Linux cluster is colloquially known as "attu" and it is, at present, eight separate computers:
  • attu1 - attu7: SuperMicro, 192GB RAM, 2 14-core Intel Gold 6132 processors @ 2.6GHz
  • attu8: Dell PowerEdge R430, 128GB RAM, 2 12-core Intel E5-2670v3 processors @ 2.3GHz
and connecting to with an SSH client will connect you, to one of the eight servers. You can also connect directly to one of the eight servers, by pointing your SSH client at, where N is a number between 1 and 8.

Real-time statistics on load and memory usage on this cluster is available at this link.

If you need to have long running jobs (e.g., hours/days of CPU time), please inform support@cs of your requirements/intentions. Otherwise it is possible that your jobs may be classified as "runaways" and will be killed (at worst) and stopped (at best) until it is made clear that they are actually performing useful work.

Research Unix Cycle Servers

Members of the CSE research community needing general UNIX cycles can use any of the research Linux cycle servers:
  • 784GB RAM, 2 24-core Intel Xeon Platinum 8160M @ 2.1GHz
  • 784GB RAM, 2 24-core Intel Xeon Platinum 8160M @ 2.1GHz
  • 784GB RAM, 2 24-core Intel Xeon Platinum 8160M @ 2.1GHz
  • 256GB RAM, 2 18-core Intel E5-2699 processors @ 2.3GHz
  • 256GB RAM, 2 18-core Intel E5-2699 processors @ 2.3GHz
Process limits are governed by Cgroups. Please compute responsibly. is available as an administrative login server.

Contact support@cs for additional Linux servers designed for remote access.

TeX and LaTeX

In response to complaints about out-of-date LaTeX installations in Rocky Linux 9 (TeX Live 2020), we have made a VM that runs the recently-released TeX Live 2024. If you are having issues getting your TeX or LaTeX documents to compile successfully (those preparing materials for ACM conferences, especially), please connect (via ssh to "" and build your documents there.

If you find that there package(s) missing, please send e-mail to CSE Support and let us know - put "texlive" in the subject line - and we'll get them installed as soon as possible.


Any application with printing interface using IPP protocol on any network can use this service provided that valid CS.WASHINGTON.EDU Kerberos credentials are used to run the application. (However, only research account holders can print to research printers.)

[+] CUPS Print Servers and Configuration

[+] Printing from Terminal

Network File Access

The recommended way of connecting to CSE files and folders from a non-lab managed machine is via the fuse-sshfs package (most applicable directories are already exported on lab-managed machines). It is also possible to request exports of a specific directory to a local desktop by emailing support@cs.

[+] Mapping Your Home Directory

[+] Mapping a Project Directory

[+] High-Level File System Structure

Remote Access

We provide ways that you can telecommute and use CSE resources and software. If your destination is Unix, we offer several packages for connecting, including: OpenSSH and XTerm for X support. If your destination is Windows, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is the current (and only) supported method.

[+] Accessing Remote Windows Machines

[+] Accessing Remote Linux Machines


Linux Virtual Machines or "Home VM"

The CSE lab prepares virtual machine images that, in a rough sense, allow you to take a lab Windows or Linux workstation home with you. More details can be found HERE.



The CSE Linux cycle, admin, and desktop machines run RockyLinux as their OS. RockyLinux is a n open source project, which produces a free derivative of the RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution.

RockyLinux releases have a multi-year life cycle. Updates for security and bug fixes are frequently provided throughout the release cycle and periodic 'point releases' may introduce new features and rebase key software components to new versions.

We install a standard set of packages each release. The instructional software is usually a superset of what is installed on the research systems, since they have additional 'courseware', requested by instructors, which varies each quarter.

Software updates and security fixes are routinely applied, as received from the upstream distribution.

Only CS Lab staff have root access. NFS file access from lab-managed file servers is available only to lab-managed Unix systems.

For more details see RockyLinux at CSE