Affiliate Faculty
Sameer Agarwal
Google, Inc.
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Optimization, Computer Graphics
Armin Alaghi
Oculus Research
Embedded systems, signal processing, and virtual/augmented reality
Gail Alverson
Software Engineering, Parallel Systems and Programming Environments
Thomas Ball
Microsoft Research
Software engineering, formal methods, physical computing, CS education
Daniel Berger
Microsoft Research
Computer systems (including distributed, networking, and storage systems) and memory architecture (virtualization, disaggregation, and DRAM alternatives
Philip Bernstein
Microsoft Research
Databases, transaction processing, concurrency control, data repositories
Emma Brunskill
Carnegie Mellon University
Machine learning, sequential decision making under uncertainty, and artificial intelligenceArtificial Intelligence, Machine
Asli Celikyilmaz
Microsoft Research
Bradford Chamberlain
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Compilers, language design, and productivity for scalable parallel computing
Yejin Choi
Michael Cohen
Computer graphics and image synthesis
Jan Cuny
David Cutler
Operating systems design and development
Ofer Dekel
Microsoft Research
Machine learning, online prediction, statistical learning theory and optimization
Tony DeRose
Computer-aided geometric design and modeling, graphical user interfaces
Debadeepta Dey
Microsoft Research
Decision-making under uncertainty, computer vision, reinforcement learning, planning, robotics and machine learning
Gary Faigin
Emily Fox
Bayesian and nonparametric Bayesian approaches to time-series and longitudinal data analysis
Jianfeng Gao
Microsoft Research
Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Web Search and Information Retrieval (IR),Multi-Modal Modeling
Gennie Gebhart
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Third-party tracking, secure messaging, platform censorship, open access
Johannes Gehrke
Microsoft Research
Database systems, distributed systems, and machine learning
Ross B Girshick
Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
Algorithms for visual perception and visual reasoning
Daniel Goldman
Computer graphics research on techniques for digital viewing and imaging
Joseph Hellerstein
UW eScience Institute
Performance evaluation, systems management, science in the cloudtems
Jon Howell
VMware Research
Systems verification, Distributed Systems, Security, Operating Systems
Sham Kakade
Data science: large scale computional methods for statistics, machine learning and signal processing
Ece Kamar
Microsoft Research
Artificial Intelligence, Responsible AI, Human-AI Collaboration, AI Fairness, AI Robustness
Gary Kimura
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Software engineering and operating systems
Chun-Liang Li
Apple Machine Learning Research
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing
Yun-En Liu
Jay Lorch
Microsoft Research
Distributed systems, software verification, security & privacy
India Institute of Technology Delhi
Artificial intelligence: natural language processing, automated planning, applications to crowdsourcing.
Daniel McDuff
Wouter Meuleman
Computational Biology, Regulatory Genomics, Epigenomics, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Augmented Genomics
Roozbeh Mottaghi
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Chandrakana Nandi
Certora, Inc.
Programming Languages, Program Synthesis, Formal Verification, Term Rewriting, Software Engineering, Computational Fabrication
Richard Newcombe
Computer vision and robotics
Bichlien Nguyen
Microsoft Research
DNA data storage
Alexander J. Ratner
Nithya Sambasivan
Google Research
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Communication Technology and Development (ICTD)
Ludwig Schmidt
Jessica Schroeder
Adam Shostack
Jina Suh
Uygar Sümbül
Allen Institute for Brain Science
Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Optimization
Rick Szeliski
Computer vision and graphics
Jamie Teevan
Emina Torlak
Ryen White
Microsoft Research
Information retrieval, human-computer interaction, computational health
Michael Wolf
Charles (Larry) Zitnick III
Facebook AI Research
Object detection, semantic scene understanding, and human debugging