August 11-20, 2017
Tena and Misahualli, Ecuador
Timmy Global Health + Microsoft + University of Arizona + The University of Washington

Timmy Global Health has partnered with Microsoft to sponsor a student volunteer trip to Ecuador, open to students from the University of Washington and the University of Arizona. Student volunteers will work with local and visiting medical professionals to provide basic healthcare to five partner communities in rural Ecuador. Timmy brings mobile clinics to these communities every 2-3 months, and partners with local medical providers and organizations to connect patients to longterm health care.

    • The trip runs Aug 11-20, including travel days, free time, and 5 days working in clinics
    • No medical skills necessary. :)  Participants must be enthusiastic about working with a close and diverse team in a challenging environment. 
    • Spanish skills are not necessary, but native and fluent Spanish speakers are highly encouraged to participate!
    • The trip cost is $1,325 plus airfare (roughly $900). Microsoft will provide scholarships for some participants. Scholarship decisions will be made before you need to commit to the trip.
    • Participants must commit to the trip by May 12; if you have a summer internship, you should talk to your host about taking this time off now, or before committing to the trip.
The goals of the trip are to increase access to healthcare, engage students in team-based volunteer work, and build on Microsoft’s philanthropic goals. For student volunteers, this should be an opportunity to build collaboration and leadership skills, and to reflect on personal values and goals.

No medical skills or prior experience is necessary for student volunteers. However, volunteers must be committed to working in a highly-collaborative and diverse group, and doing a variety of tasks to support the clinics. This trip will include five clinic days, which typically last from 8am-4pm. Volunteers must be adapatable, and ready to help with any necessary task: assisting with medical work, translating (if fluent in Spanish), filling prescriptions, playing with kids, and clinic set-up and clean-up.     

About Timmy Global Health

Timmy Global Health is a non-profit bringing basic medical care to communities in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Guatemala. Timmy works closely with Ecuadorian organizations and professionals to ensure their work supports local services in appropriately and sustainably. Microsoft has a long history of supporting Timmy: Microsoft professionals have lead volunteer trips and helped fundraising for more 15 years. In 2016, Microsoft raised $58,000 for Timmy’s work.

* If you plan to work at Microsoft in a full-time job and are interested in this trip, contact me about Microsoft's annual employee Timmy trip! 

For more info

View a detailed trip booklet here (PDF). Read about Timmy here, and talk to Raven. I’ve volunteered twice with Microsoft-sponsored Timmy trips.

To participate

Apply online here. Participants will be selected based on their interest, potential to benefit from the experience, and ability to contribute to the group. No prior experience is necessary. Native and fluent Spanish speakers are highly encouraged to participate.

Student participant timeline:

  • March 27: Application opens
  • April 14: Application closes
  • April 28: Student selection and scholarship offers sent
  • May 10: Students confirm they will participate
  • May 12: First trip payment due to Timmy ($675)
  • July 11: Final trip payment due to Timmy (remaining balance from $1325, minus initial trip payment and scholarships)
  • August 11: Fly to Ecuador! 
For Medical Professionals

If you are a practicing medical professional, we welcome your participation in this trip! We need a team of 5-6 providers (MD, DO, NP,  PA), 1-2 nurses (RN), and 1-2 pharmacists (RPh) to run our clinic. As part of Timmy’s mobile medical clinics,  you will provide primary care treatment to five partner communities in the Misahualli area. Spanish translators are available for providers who are not fluent in Spanish. Medical professionals pay for their own trip fee ($1325) and airfare (roughly $900). Contact Raven for more info or to sign up.

In the clinic: Timmy volunteer with baby  Local doctor and Timmy volunteer in consult with a patient