Expertise: Computer Graphics & Animation; Computing Education Research; Ubiquitous Computing, Sensing & Embedded Systems
Bruce Hemingway is Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus in the Allen School, where he has taught CSE/ECE 474, Introduction to Embedded Systems; CSE 466, Software for Embedded Systems; CSE 481i, Audio & Media Capstone; CSE 490s, Digital Sound Engineering; CSE 370, Introduction to Digital Design; CSE 467, Advanced Digital Design; CSE/ECE 475, Embedded Systems Capstone; and CSE 131, The Science and Art of Digital Photography.
He also supported digital design and embedded systems courses in CSE. These courses cover a wide range of integrated system design topics and include the use of hardware design and test equipment, computer-aided design (CAD) tools, and embedded systems development tools.
Hemingway’s current interests include exploring the relationship between audio and visual composition as a combined means of creative expression and the development of autonomous computer-music generators that will sense his mood from physiological indicators and produce music that he increasingly likes.