Edward D. Lazowska Professorship

Throughout his career, Ed Lazowska has impacted and influenced the lives and careers of countless students and colleagues, and has been instrumental in helping the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering grow in influence and prominence to join a small handful of top programs in the country.
In August 2020, Ed turned 70. Peter Lee and Jeff Dean proposed to honor Ed for this milestone birthday, and set out to raise funds to create a set of endowed Lazowska Professorships. Harry Shum and Brad Smith came together with Peter and Jeff to quietly fund the first Lazowska Professorship. They have since been joined by more than 200 additional donors.
To learn more about this special initiative, please read our blog post. Our thanks to all of our donors:
Founding Donors
- Jeff Dean & Heidi Hopper
- Peter & Susan Lee
- Harry Shum & Ka Yan Chan
- Brad Smith & Kathy Surace-Smith
Leadership Donors
- Tom Alberg
- Jim & Catherine Allchin
- Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- Dave Cutler
- Anne Dinning
- Cathy & David Habib
- Don & Cindy Hacherl
- Eric & Mary Horvitz
- Gary & Chris Kimura
- Shun-Tak Leung & Pik Sum Li
- Daniel Ling & Lee Obrzut
- Madrona Venture Group
- Craig & Marie Mundie
- Sujal & Meera Patel
- Mike & Jackie Schmidt
- Rob Short & Emer Dooley
- Brad Silverberg
- Charles & Lisa Simonyi
- Lisa Wissner-Slivka & Ben Slivka
- Guy “Bud” Tribble & Susan Barnes
Additional Donors (as of April 10, 2022)
- Anne & Timothy Adams
- Paul Anagnostopoulos
- Michael & Elizabeth Anderson
- Brian & Jane Andrew
- Gregory Andrews
- Yaw Anokwa & Helene Martin
- Johnson & Diana Apacible
- Christy & Robert Arnold Jr.
- Jean-Loup & Diane Baer
- Thomas Daniel & Jane Baird
- Shannon & Elizabeth Bales
- Amy Bauer & Matt Welsh
- Karen Beall
- Kay Beck-Benton & Matt Benton
- Gordon Bell
- Ellen Bierman & Ray Madigan
- Ted Biggerstaff & Patricia Downey
- Jeffrey Bigham
- Hans-Juergen Boehm & Soroor Ebnesajjad
- Andrea & Alan Borning
- Michael Borozdin
- Lisa Boucher & Brent LaMotte
- David Bradlee & Kathryn Gardow
- Lauren Bricker
- William & Françoise Brougher
- Alice & Michael Brush
- Linda Bushnell & Radha Poovendran
- Susan & Charles Cady
- Michael Cafarella & Victoria Still
- Maya Cakmak
- Luis Ceze & Karin Strauss
- Ka Chai
- Brian & Erin Chambers
- Somesh Chandra
- Chelsey Chang
- Jeffrey Chase
- Yejin Choi & Krysztof Ostrowski
- Kingsum Chow & Hoon Goh
- David Christianson & Yuko Mera
- Jeremy Claeson
- Hope & Peter Cochran
- Melissa Cook
- Jeffrey & Gretchen Cox
- Ania Danieli
- Damon Danieli
- Matthew Davis
- Chris & Mary-Ellen Diorio
- Laura Dorsey
- Douglas Downey
- Richard & Martha Draves Jr.
- Erin Earl
- Susan Eggers
- Mohamed El-Zohairy
- Patricia Eney
- Michael Ernst
- Bruce Forstall & Christey Bahn
- Dieter Fox & Luz Villasana-Cardoza
- Michael & Jennifer Fridgen
- Jon Froehlich
- Sunil Garg & Divya Pahwa
- Charles Garrett
- Janet Geoffroy
- Kirk & Melissa Glerum
- Marcy Golde
- Peter & Beth Golde
- Daniel Goldman
- Shyamnath Gollakota
- Greg & Shannon Gottesman
- Kathy & Albert Greenberg
- William Griswold
- Keith Grochow
- Daniel Grossman
- John & Olga Guttag
- Sangyun Hahn
- Daniel Halperin & Sammy Chowdhury
- Mike Halperin & Jodi Green
- Han And Jiang Family Foundation
- Seungyeop Han
- Jeffrey Heer & Daniela Rosner
- Joseph & Natalie Heitzeberg
- Joseph Hellerstein
- Kathleen Higgins & Patrick Jenny
- James Hogle
- Krista Holden
- Michael Hotan
- Allen & Nettie Israel
- Zachary Ives & Long Ding
- Darrell Jackson & Linda Shapiro
- Scott & Carin Jacobson
- Shrainik Jain
- Timothy James
- Kevin & Susan Jeffay
- Paul & Alisa Jenny
- Len Jordan
- Frans Kaashoek
- Anna Karlin
- Dennis Kennedy & Francesca Brunner-Kennedy
- Sofia & Tim Kenny
- Roshan Khan
- Seila Kheang & Alix Koyama
- Julie Kientz & Shwetak Patel
- Aaron Kimball & Riana Pfefferkorn
- Diane & Ronald King
- Nicole Klein
- Tadayoshi Kohno
- Eric Koldinger
- Richard & Andrea Korry
- Agnes Kwan
- YongChul Kwon & Yoon Jee Cho
- Richard Ladner & Ann Sauer
- James & Eileen Landay
- Dave Larson
- Tessa Lau
- Steven Lawrenz
- Paul Leach & Susan Winokur
- Dennis & Jean Lee
- Scott Lee
- Karen & Andy Leikin
- Hank Levy & Ronit Katz
- Brian Lewis
- Huijia Lin
- Yi-Bing Lin & Sherry Wang
- Corina & Greg Linden
- Hsin-Chen Liu
- Marny Livingston & Ronald Large
- Yin Lu
- Omid Madani
- Christopher Maeda
- Judith Maleng
- Henrique & Regina Malvar
- Karishma Mandyam
- Alexey Maykov
- Bill & Colleen McAleer
- Russell & Tobae McDuff
- Ryan McElroy
- Matthew & Carol McIlwain
- Dylan & Heidi McNamee
- Armon Dadgar & Joshua Kalla
- Sierra Michels-Slettvet & Travis McCoy
- Paul & Jessica Mikesell
- Justin Miller
- Manish Mittal
- Maggie Morris
- David Mortenson & Sonja Keserovic
- Mark Murray
- Vivek Narasayya
- Katie Neuser Khan
- Jeffrey Nichols
- Ellen Olshansky & Richard Pattis
- Mitali Palekar
- Catherine & William Palmer
- Kurt & Rindah Partridge
- John Perkins
- Edward & Carol Perrin
- William & Alyssa Pittman
- Christopher Pleasants
- Kim Polese
- Timothy & Jennifer Porter
- Andrew Putnam & Bryna Hazelton
- Xiaohan Qin
- Christopher Raastad
- Karine Raetzloff & Eric Wilkins
- Barbara Raitz
- Janeka Rector
- Charles Reis & Kate Everitt
- Kevin Rennie
- Timothy Rohr
- Shannon & Theodore Romer
- Archie Russell
- Miles Sackler
- Gary & Pauline Sager
- Yasushi Saito
- Meredith & Timothy Saponas
- William Schilit & Kerny McLaughlin
- Andrew & Bonnie Schwerin
- Steven Seitz & Sandhya Subramanian
- Xixi and Jonathan Shakes
- Rebecca Shirley
- Larry Shupe
- Jeffrey Smith & Lisa Gribowski
- Joshua Smith
- Katherine Smith
- Emad Soroush
- Siddhartha Srinivasa & Supriya Kumar
- Joan Starn
- Sarah Stone
- Suzanne & Michael Swift
- Richard Szeliski & Lyn McCoy
- Desney Tan
- Staci & Cameron Tangney
- Gunnel & Steven Tanimoto
- Ivan & Radosveta Tashev
- Jaime Teevan
- Chandramohan & Radhika Thekkath
- Gregory Thomas
- Minhquan Tran
- David Truong
- Kathleen Turner & John Wedgwood
- Cathy Tuttle
- Amin & Suzanne Vahdat
- Andries & Deborah van Dam
- Michael Van Hilst
- Miodrag Vujkovic & Jovanka Ciric-Vujkovic
- Wen-Hann & Irene Wang
- Hakim & Makela Weatherspoon
- Matthew Whitehill
- James Wood
- Geoffrey Wukelic
- Shengliang Xu
- Stephen & Linh Yegge
- Mark Zbikowski & Mary Gaston
- Luke Zettlemoyer
- Steve Zhang
- Thomas Zimmermann
- Doug Zongker