Student Community Building Funds
Budget: $25,000/annually
Purpose & Criteria
This is an annual budget to support activities and programs that bring students together. Activities utilizing these funds must meet the following criteria:
- Open to all Allen School Ph.D. students
- Advertised on cs-grads at least 2-3 days in advance of the event (at a minimum, it is also OK/encouraged to advertise on Slack, etc)
- Add the event to the Grad Student Calendar
- Research labs are also permitted to request funds, though the event should still be open to the general grad student community per the criteria above.
- Research areas/labs are limited to one hosted lunch per month (e.g., “Research area and friends!”)
- Shared student offices may submit requests.
Allen School students who wish to lead an event can request funds via the Ph.D. Student Community Building Funds Request form. Individual students can request funds for one-off activities or approval of an ongoing program. Research groups may also request funding in small amounts, up to $200, to put towards a one-time internal event. Students should receive approval first before advertising the event. This funding may help supplement existing faculty or student funding. Once approved for funding, the event organizer will receive a confirmation email from the Director of Graduate Student Services (Elise Dorough, elised@cs) and/or the Ph.D. Program Adviser (Joe Eckert, jeckert1@cs).
For all requests, the following information is required:
- Organizational lead/contact
- Activity name/description
- Expected attendance
- Approximate budget per attendee
Ongoing programs that are pre-approved to use these funds for their events (list maintained and updated by the Grad Advising Team):
- Meet-and-Eat. Lead Contact: Dan Petrisko (petrisko@cs)
- Dominion Online. Lead Contact: Brian Hou (bhou1@cs)
Guidelines for Room Reservations
Please review the Room Reservation matrix (Gates) (Allen) to determine and secure the best room for your activity. Keep in mind that not all rooms are available for non-research related activities — use the “Additional Notes” column to determine if there are restrictions on room reservations.
If you need assistance finding the appropriate room for your event, please email operations@cs.
Reimbursement & Budget Tracking
To be reimbursed for your expenditure, please do the following:
- Create a new Google Drive folder and share it with jeckert1@cs and cheund@cs
<First & last name of person who paid> - <vendor> - <date of event as MM-DD-YY>.pdf
e.g, "Joe Eckert - Guanaco’s Tacos - 01-04-22.pdf"
Reminder: Only the person who paid for the item(s) can be reimbursed.
- Save each receipt separately as a PDF in the folder, following this naming convention:
- Send an email to Joe Eckert (jeckert1@cs) and include the following information:
- Name & CSEID of person who paid
- A link to the folder with the itemized receipt(s), showing payment details
- List of all event attendees
- Date of event
When food is included, the following government per diem rates (inclusive of tax, tips, and fees; updated each fiscal year) apply:
- Breakfast: $19 /per person
- Lunch: $22 /per person
- Dinner: $38 /per person
Activity Ideas (not meant to be an exhaustive list!)
- Outdoor campfire (s’mores?)
- Picnic in the park
- Zoo visit
- Buy a game and play together virtually
- Snow activities (skiing?)
- Group bike ride
- Group volunteer activities
- Breast Cancer Knitting Circle
- Other volunteering outdoors
Some places on campus are beginning to open in accordance with public health and safety guidelines and may also have activities:
- The IMA (classes, athletic spaces, intramural sports, rock climbing)
- The Waterfront Activity Center (canoe season opens in April)
- The HUB (bowling leagues, PC gaming tournaments, pool, table tennis)