In this section you will find guides with helpful information and details about the following:
Review of Progress
The faculty conducts an annual review of progress for each graduate student. As of 2024 part of this process requires all Allen School doctoral students to create an Individual Development Plan (IDP), discuss the plan with their faculty advisor(s), and report these activities to the Allen School Review of Progress Committee (RPC) annually. (The IDP is very similar to the ROP forms we utilized prior to 2024, but addresses NIH guidelines and upcoming NSF guidelines encouraging institutions to document the use of Individual Development Plans for all graduate students and postdocs funded under these grants). Those who have created an IDP in a previous year should review and update their IDP for the upcoming academic year. Annual updates to IDPs are important for each student to review their own progress to see if personal and professional goals are being met and to plan for the next year. Additionally, the Allen School hopes that this process will facilitate regular discussions throughout the year between student and advisor(s) about progress, goals, and expectations.
On-leave Requests
This guide explains that a student in good standing who desires to take a quarter or quarters off from their program of study without having to go through the reinstatement process must apply for on-leave status for each quarter they do not register. For complete details on eligibility and the procedure for requesting leave, see the UW Graduate School’s website on Graduate On-Leave Status.
Wellness Support & Self-Care
Attending to your own mental and physical health is integral to maintaining relationships with others and continuing your academic progress. This includes honest conversations with your advisor about your well-being as it relates to your ongoing work and responsibilities. The UW offers a number of resources to help. The best place to find an overview of many of the services available to you is the Student Life website.
Mental Health & Self-Care Consultation Appointments
These appointments are brief, informal consultations that are free and confidential for Allen School students. This service is operated by a licensed mental health professional in association with the University of Washington Counseling Center. Consultation appointments are not a substitute for regular therapy, counseling or psychiatric care. If you book an appointment, check in at the Allen Center reception desk in CSE 101 and let them know you are here for your appointment with John Rumney.