Courses & Colloquia
A typical quarterly schedule is one 4-credit CSE P course plus one 1-credit colloquium course each quarter during the academic year (autumn, winter, and spring quarters; there are no course or colloquia offerings in summer). 5 credits is not a requirement, however, and students may select different credit loads if they wish, such as foregoing a course and instead enrolling in one or two colloquium credits, or even taking the quarter off entirely and registering for zero credits.
The information below and links in the right sidebar are intended to support students’ informed course selection and understanding of policies and procedures relating to registration, courses, and colloquia. Degree requirements and policies surrounding grades and satisfactory progress and a calendar of quarterly dates and deadlines are available in the PMP student handbook under academic policies and planning.
PMP Courses
PMP courses are intended to be relevant to computing professionals interested in advancing their knowledge in core and emerging areas of computing. PMP course topics may include database management, machine learning, computer architecture, computational biology, programming languages, entrepreneurship, computer vision, ubiquitous computing, robotics, and more. The selection of course topics changes each quarter, with three courses typically being available and courses generally repeating every second or third year.
The Current PMP Courses page displays the slate of courses for the academic year, including expanded course descriptions and links to course websites. The page also links to an archive of previous years’ course offerings.
Other Graduate Courses
PMP students may petition for approval to count up to two non-PMP (CSE P) graduate courses toward their degrees. Typical selections are courses from the Allen School’s daytime graduate program or a closely related field. Learn more about non-PMP course policies and the petition process, and direct any questions to the Professional Master’s Program Manager.
The Allen School presents myriad topical colloquia and distinguished lectures to keep current on cutting-edge research and applied computing topics. Colloquia are usually held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30pm in the Gates Center and are open to the public. Distinguished Lecture Series may meet at different times or places. Most PMP students do not attend sessions live or in person due to conflicts with their work schedules, but they are certainly welcome to if able!
PMP students may earn credit for attending and reporting on a certain number of colloquia/distinguished lecture sessions. For every 1 credit of CSE 519 or 520 a student registers for, they must report having viewed 8 sessions and of those, write reports on 4. PMP students may view/report on any number of sessions from the current quarter or a quarter/year in the past. Policies and procedures surrounding accessing colloquia and requirements for earning credit are described in the PMP student handbook.
Colloquium tools for continuing PMP students:
- PMP colloquium reporting tool
- Colloquium searching: Public-facing | PMP student reporting version
- Allen School’s YouTube channel