Current PMP Courses
Autumn 2024
CSE P 557 Computer Graphics
Instructor: Zoran Popović
Schedule: Tuesdays, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Room G10, Gates Center (CSE2) (map)
Introduction to computer image synthesis, modeling, and animation emphasizing the state-of-the-art algorithm applications. Topics may include visual perception, image processing, geometric transformations, hierarchical modeling, hidden-surface elimination, shading, ray-tracing, anti-aliasing, texture mapping, curves, surfaces, particle systems, dynamics, realistic character animation, and traditional animation principles. CSE PMP students only.
CSE P 564 Computer Security
Instructor: David Kohlbrenner
Schedule: Wednesdays, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Room G10, Gates Center (CSE2) (map)
Examines the fundamental of computer security including: human factors; attack detection, measurements, and models; cryptography and communications security; system design and implementation; and side channels. CSE PMP students only.
Course video description available.
CSE P 590 Special Topics: Building Data Analysis Pipelines
Instructor: René Just
Schedule: Monday, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Room G10, Gates Center (CSE2) (map)
This course focuses on the theory and practice of building sound and actionable data analysis pipelines. Specifically, it covers the following three aspects: (1) Validity of analysis designs. (2) Principles and methods for quantitative data analysis. (3) Building small- and large-scale data analysis pipelines. Topics include properly designing data analyses, choosing appropriate statistical methods and models, contextualizing analysis results, and reasoning about validity (in terms of internal, external, and construct validity). In addition to lectures and paper discussions, this course provides a hands-on experience for building data analysis pipelines — from data collection, over data wrangling, to data analysis and visualization. CSE PMP students only.
The autumn 2024 colloquia sections for PMP students are:
CSE 519 D: Current Research in Computer Science
Grading: CR/NC
CSE 520 D: Computer Science Colloquium
Grading: CR/NC
SLN codes for PMP colloquia sections are viewable on the autumn PCE time schedule.
All colloquia resources, including the colloquia search and reporting tools and requirements for earning credit, appear in the PMP student handbook under Academics – colloquium requirements and access.
Autumn 2024 registration will open on Monday, June 17.
Find a registration process overview, relevant links, and troubleshooting assistance in the Registration and Financials section of the PMP student handbook.
Autumn course and colloquium schedules and SLN codes are viewable on the time schedule:
> CSEP course time schedule and SLN codes
PMP colloquium time schedule and SLN codes
Students may also locate SLN codes in MyPlan. The most straightforward way to locate PMP/CSEP courses is to search for ‘CSE P‘ with the ‘find PCE sections only‘ box checked. This will display only the PMP sections of CSEP courses, which are nearly always numbered CSE P 5XX A and displayed on the ‘Professional & Continuing Education’ tab. Courses numbered CSEP 5XX M and displayed on the ‘Seattle’ tab are jointly-listed sections for the Allen School’s fifth-year MS students only.
A step-by-step registration guide is available for student review. It describes the pre-registration steps required before first-time registration for a quarter, locating SLN codes, and completing registration transactions.
Winter 2025
CSE P 544 Database Management Systems
Instructor: Dan Suciu
Schedule: Wednesday, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Room G10, Gates Center (CSE2) (map)
Introduction to the principles of database management systems. Topics include database system architecture, data models, theory of database design, query optimization, concurrency control, crash recovery, and storage strategies. CSE PMP students only.
CSE P 544 video description
CSE P 546 Machine Learning
Instructor: Kevin Jamieson
Schedule: Thursday, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Room G10, Gates Center (CSE2) (map)
Methods for designing systems that learn from data and improve with experience. Supervised learning and predictive modeling; decision trees, rule induction, nearest neighbors, Bayesian methods, neural networks, support vector machines, and model ensembles. Unsupervised learning and clustering. CSE PMP students only.
CSE P 546 video description
CSE P 589 Software Entrepreneurship (formerly CSE P 590)
Instructor: Greg Gottesman (LinkedIn) and Ed Lazowska
Schedule: Wednesday, 6:00-9:20pm
Place: Paccar Hall (PCAR), room 291 (map)
A case- and project-based course, focusing on starting a software or hardware company. Guest entrepreneurs, lawyers, and financiers discuss market identification and analysis, planning the business, financing, and typical operating and administrative problems. CSE PMP students only.
Enrollment by instructor permission, see winter 2025 course website for more information and a link to enrollment request form..
CSE P 590 Special Topics: Data Visualization
Instructor: Jeffrey Heer
Schedule: Tuesday, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Room G10, Gates Center (CSE2) (map)
The world is awash with increasing amounts of data, and we must keep afloat with our relatively constant perceptual and cognitive abilities. Visualization provides one means of combating information overload, as a well-designed visual encoding can supplant cognitive calculations with simpler perceptual inferences and improve comprehension, memory, and decision making. Furthermore, visual representations may help engage more diverse audiences in the process of analytic thinking.
In this course we will study techniques for creating effective visualizations based on principles from graphic design, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science. The course is targeted both towards students interested in using visualization in their own work, as well as students interested in building better visualization tools and systems. In addition to class discussions, students will complete visualization design and data analysis assignments, as well as a final project. CSE PMP students only.
The winter 2025 colloquia sections for PMP students are:
CSE 519 C: Current Research in Computer Science
Grading: CR/NC
CSE 520 C: Computer Science Colloquium
Grading: CR/NC
SLN codes for PMP colloquia sections are viewable on the winter PCE time schedule.
All colloquia resources, including the colloquia search and reporting tools and requirements for earning credit, appear in the PMP student handbook.
Winter 2025 registration opens on November 4, 2024.
Find a registration process overview, relevant links, and troubleshooting assistance in the Registration and Financials section of the PMP student handbook.
Winter course and colloquium schedules and SLN codes are viewable on the time schedule:
> CSEP course time schedule and SLN codes
> PMP colloquium time schedule and SLN codes
Students may also locate SLN codes in MyPlan. The most straightforward way to locate PMP/CSEP courses is to search for ‘CSE P‘ with the ‘find PCE sections only‘ box checked. This will display only the PMP sections of CSEP courses, which are nearly always numbered CSE P 5XX A and displayed on the ‘Professional & Continuing Education’ tab. Courses numbered CSEP 5XX M and displayed on the ‘Seattle’ tab are jointly-listed sections for the Allen School’s fifth-year MS students only.
A step-by-step registration guide is available for student review. It describes the pre-registration steps required before first-time registration for a quarter, locating SLN codes, and completing registration transactions.
Spring 2025
CSE P 505 Programming Languages
Instructor: James Wilcox
Schedule: Tuesday, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Gates Center (CSE2), room G10 (map)
A study of non-imperative programming paradigms such as functional, object-oriented, logic, and constraint programming. Programming language semantics and type theory. CSE PMP students only.
Course video description available.
CSE P 517 Natural Language Processing
Instructor: Noah Smith
Schedule: Wednesday, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Gates Center (CSE2), room G10 (map)
Overview of modern approaches for natural language processing. Topics include language models, text classification, tagging, parsing, machine translation, semantics, and discourse analysis. CSE PMP students only.
Course video description available
CSE P 590 Special Topics: Machine Learning for Big Data
Instructor: Tim Althoff
Schedule: Thursday, 6:30-9:20pm
Place: Gates Center (CSE2), room G10 (map
The course will discuss data mining and machine learning algorithms for analyzing very large amounts of data. The emphasis will be on MapReduce and Spark as tools for creating parallel algorithms that can process very large amounts of data. Topics include: Frequent itemsets and association rules, near neighbor search in high dimensional data, locality sensitive hashing (LSH), dimensionality reduction, recommendation systems, clustering, link analysis, large scale supervised machine learning, data streams, mining the web for structured data. CSE PMP students only.
The spring 2025 colloquia sections for PMP students are:
CSE 519 C: Current Research in Computer Science
Grading: CR/NC
CSE 520 D: Computer Science Colloquium
Grading: CR/NC
SLN codes for PMP colloquia sections are viewable on the spring PCE time schedule.
All colloquia resources, including the colloquia search and reporting tools and requirements for earning credit, appear in the PMP student handbook.
Spring 2025 registration opens on February 18, 2025.
Find a registration process overview, relevant links, and troubleshooting assistance in the Registration and Financials section of the PMP student handbook.
Spring course and colloquium schedules and SLN codes are viewable on the time schedule:
> CSEP course time schedule and SLN codes
> PMP colloquium time schedule and SLN codes
Students may also locate SLN codes in MyPlan. The most straightforward way to locate PMP/CSEP courses is to search for ‘CSE P‘ with the ‘find PCE sections only‘ box checked. This will display only the PMP sections of CSEP courses, which are nearly always numbered CSE P 5XX A and displayed on the ‘Professional & Continuing Education’ tab. Courses numbered CSEP 5XX M and displayed on the ‘Seattle’ tab are jointly-listed sections for the Allen School’s fifth-year MS students only.
A step-by-step registration guide is available for student review. It describes the pre-registration steps required before first-time registration for a quarter, locating SLN codes, and completing registration transactions.
Summer 2025
No PMP courses or colloquia are offered in the summer.
Course Offerings from Previous Academic Years
An archive of previous years’ PMP courses and instructors, going back to 2011, appears here: Past PMP course offerings.