Administrative Information
Teaching Assistant Offices
CSE 007, 021, and 220 are available for TAs to hold office hours to meet with students. TA office keys can be checked out from the CSE Front Desk or from Pim Lustig.
Please note that office hours should not be scheduled in graduate student offices.
Double-booking: in cases of congestion, it may be reasonable for two TAs to schedule hours in the same office at once. Clearly, this should be a last resort and done only after consultation with the other TA and consultation with someone who has TA’ed the courses before so you have some idea of how busy office hours will be.
Alternatively, it might be better to hold your office hours in the atrium or the breakout/study areas on floors 2 – 5.
TA offices must be booked using the online room reservation system. Note that you should always log in with your CSE Netid (rather than UW Netid) to make sure you have access to reserve rooms. Be sure to sign up for all weeks of the quarter with a “repeating” reservation. Please contact support if you have questions.
Submitting Hours Worked
Beginning July 2017, Undergraduate TAs must keep track of and submit their hours worked in Workday, the new UW payroll system (replacing the online time sheets).
Using Workday
- In order to access Workday, you will first need to add Two-factor authentication (2FA) as an added layer of security along with your UW NetID (most commonly with the DUO smartphone app).
- You can also view an instructional video on how to submit your hours.
Be sure to report all the time you spend on your TA duties: attending lectures, grading, office hours, prep time, meetings, etc. It is important to us that you are paid for all the work you do and it is expected that the hours you submit accurately reflect the hours you have worked. Undergraduates are limited to working a maximum of 19.5 hours per week for ALL their UW jobs. Contact Pim if you feel your job requires more than 19.5 hours/week.
Due Dates for Submission of Time Sheets
Due dates are the 15th and the 30th/31st of each month. You will receive a reminder email when it is time to do this.
Student Privacy Policy
Instructors and TAs are reminded that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 requires that the University treat student records in a confidential manner. Student records include examinations and papers submitted by students.
Faculty or TAs who plan on distributing grades, papers, and exams through departmental mailboxes or in hallways must first have the permission of their students or be prepared to distribute such papers in ways that safeguard the students’ personal information. The complete University policy on student education records and the location of such records may be found in the Washington Administrative Code under WAC 478-140.