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Teaching Assistants

TA Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why TA?

Teaching Assistants (TAs) play an essential role in the learning and teaching experience at the Allen School. Being a Teaching Assistant is a great way to earn money on campus, help other students, solidify your understanding of topics, and make close connections with the faculty.

Q: I’m interested in being a TA for the CSE 12x Introductory Programming courses, how can I apply?

New TAs for CSE 121, 122, and 123 are selected through a separate process that takes place during the preceding quarter. An announcement with information on how to apply for winter quarter CSE 12x TA positions will be made toward the end of the autumn quarter. Visit here for more information on CSE 12x TA positions and instructions on how to apply and be notified when the application is available.

Q: How does the TA selection process work?

Basically, it is a three-part process:

  1. The TA Coordinator matches TAs to courses based on submitted preferences and takes into account other factors such as CSE graduate student priority, scheduling conflicts, and other staffing issues.
  2. Students submit applications indicating their TA course preferences.
  3. After the priority application deadline has passed, course instructors submit their TA preferences from among the pool of applicants.

Q: Can I list multiple courses with the same preference?

Yes, you are able to list multiple courses with the same preference. Some students choose to list many courses as their top choice as a way to increase their chances of receiving a position. Please note that you should only indicate a high preference for courses you are willing to be assigned to as a TA.

Q: How can I increase my chances of being chosen for a position?

Connecting with instructors prior to the application process, and having them rank you highly for a course, is the best way to increase your chances of receiving a position. Also, while the larger enrollment courses–especially at the 300-level–have the most number of TAs assigned, these positions can also be among the most competitive; including 400-level courses you have taken among your preferences can often be helpful.

Q: I submitted an application, when will I know if I will be a TA?

A tentative application timeline can be found on the TA Home Page.