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Teaching Assistants

Teaching Information

Here you will find links to current and past teaching assignments. (CSE NetID required)

Current Year

Enrollment List Tool (TAs)

This tool provides a means for instructors and TAs to view and download enrollment data for the classes they teach. Currently, the underlying data is taken from the first-day or tenth-day snapshot of the enrollment data that the University makes available to us, but we are working to get more timely data. Stay tuned.

TA Course List Tool

Learn more about this resource

The University provides a similar web resource through the MyClass service on the Teaching tab of MyUW. This one differs in several ways:

  • Our is less restrictive. The University restricts access to the instructor of record for each course, while we allow access to enrollment data for all courses to all CSE community members that are teaching any course in a particular quarter, plus advising staff.
  • Ours offers photos. We have a database of photos of CSE community members, including most of our majors. Instructors can use the tool to generate and print a class list decorated with those photos, which makes a handy aid to remembering student names.
  • We include CSE usernames. The University data includes the username for those students that have one, but our majors often receive their email at their email address, and often have a different username. When we know them, we include the students’ usernames.

Use of the tool is intended to be self-explanatory. Simply select the course (and, if multiple, section) of interest, then press the “list enrollees” button to generate a tabular screen display. From the display screen, you have a choice of mailing the data to yourself or saving it to a local file on your machine. (Users of Internet Explorer may find that the selecting “Save to file” causes the data to appear in the browser frame; we are currently seeking a solution for this problem). Confidentiality considerations make the “Save to file” option preferable.

To access the CSE Class List Tool, you will need to authenticate using your CSE login name and Kerberos password. There are two versions of the tool:

If you are teaching a CSE course and are not granted access to the appropriate tool after authenticating, or have comments or questions, please contact support ‘@’ cs.

Related Resources

Enrollment List Tool (Instructors)

TA Course List Tool