PostBac Students
This information is intended for students who already hold a bachelor’s degree (in any subject, from any school) and are interested in studying undergraduate-level material in computing from UW’s Paul G. Allen School.
Due to the extremely high demand for our program from first-time bachelor’s students, the Allen School is not currently accepting applications from students looking for a second bachelor’s degree (i.e., post-baccalaureate applications for a bachelor’s degree).
Alternative UW Coursework Options
- If you want to take UW courses but do not want to complete a degree, you may enroll through UW Extension’s Non-Degree Enrollment program.
- If you want to enroll as a PostBac to take courses in preparation for grad school, but you will not apply to an Allen School major, you should contact a UW Admissions Counselor.
Alternative Degree Options
We recommend that prospective students who already hold bachelor’s degrees consider alternative options*, for example:
- UW Bothell and UW Tacoma Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.
- UW Bothell also has a one-year graduate certificate designed for students with a bachelor’s degree outside of computer science. It is designed to prepare students for study in their master’s program.
- Related departments at the University of Washington in Seattle
- Oregon State University (online program)
- The University of British Columbia
- There are also numerous other options online and outside Washington state
*While we suggest considering these options, the CSE department does not endorse any specific program or college.