Continuation Policy
As an Allen School student, you are expected to make satisfactory progress towards the attainment of your Allen School degree by continuing to take and pass your degree-required coursework. However, we know that students do not exist in a vacuum, and there may be times when you are not able to prioritize your coursework. If this happens, please work closely with your assigned adviser to determine your best path forward. This could include retaking coursework, petitioning to count coursework below the minimum grades posted below, or approving an alternate. Your assigned adviser can be found on your MyCSE profile. Please know that we are here to support you throughout your time in the Allen School!
Enrollment Criteria:
- Students must complete at least ONE Math, CSE or Science degree-required course toward their Allen School degree each academic quarter they are enrolled in coursework (except summer quarter) or 3 classes per year
- Students must complete the introductory coursework below by the time they reach 5 quarters AND 105 credits at the University of Washington:
- 5 credits of English Composition.
- 5 credits of science from either the Computer Science or Computer Engineering approved lists
- MATH 126
- CSE 143 or 123
- Students must complete their undergraduate degree requirements by the time they reach 210 credits AND 12 quarters, aligning with the university’s Academic Satisfactory Progress policy.
Exceptions: Students can fill out an online petition to request an exception to any of these enrollment policies. Students should read our petition guidelines before filling out the form.
In addition, note that these enrollment policies do not cover part-time schedules or taking quarters off. While these aren’t a violation of our continuation policy, there can be financial or other issues associated with these choices. We strongly encourage you to check in with your academic adviser before going part-time or taking a quarter off.
Grade Criteria:
- Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, the university’s policies regarding UW standing (academic warning or probation) apply to Allen School standing as well.
- Students must earn a cumulative CSE grade point average of at least a 2.00. The CSE GPA includes all CSE courses taken at the Allen School.
- Students must earn a numerical grade of 2.0 in all of their Computer Science (CSE 123/143, 311, 312, 331, 332, 351) or Computer Engineering (CSE 123/143, 311, 312, 332, 351, 369, 371, EE 205/215) fundamental courses AND MATH 124, 125, and 126 for their enrolled degree in order to count towards their degree. All other course requirements require a 0.7 passing grade, in accordance with the university’s minimum grade policy. Please note: Degree audits are not currently set up to allow a 0.7 in science, english composition, MATH 208, and CSE courses outside of the ones listed above. A grade greater than 0.7 CAN count towards graduation, but needs to be manually entered into your degree audit.
Exceptions: Students who receive below a 2.0 for a Computer Science/Computer Engineering fundamental course or MATH 126 due to extenuating circumstances may submit a petition to request approval by the Allen School for that course to count towards their degree requirement.
Course Repeats:
The Allen School does not allow students to take courses for a fourth time. See the Allen School course repeat policy below for more information.
Excessive Withdrawals:
Failure to make satisfactory academic progress due to excessive course repeats, course drops, or University withdrawals and cancellations violates university policy and will be reported to the University Registrar.
The Allen School undergraduate advising team reviews the progress of each student at the end of each quarter to ensure compliance with the Allen School’s’ Continuation policy. In the event that a student fails to meet the criteria of the Continuation Policy, the student will be notified by their assigned adviser via the student’s CSE email address and sent information about next steps. Please see our review of progress flowchart for more information on the review of progress process.
If a student who has been dismissed from the Allen School would like to be considered for reinstatement, they are encouraged to reach out to an Allen School adviser to discuss their plans. When they are ready to apply for reinstatement, they should follow the process outlined below. Students are considered for reinstatement based on multiple factors, including what they have outlined in their statements, their grades in other courses since dismissal, and optional letters of support.
General Criteria
- A student can apply for reinstatement immediately after being dismissed from the program.
- Students who have been dismissed from the Allen School may only apply for reinstatement twice.
- We will not consider a third reinstatement proposal. This means that students should be working closely with Allen School advising to make thoughtful choices about if & when it is right to apply for reinstatement.
How to Apply for Reinstatement
- In order to decide if it is the right time to apply for reinstatement and to prepare a strong reinstatement packet, students who are considering should start meeting with an Allen School academic adviser well before the listed deadline.
- Submit a completed application packet via Google Form before the listed deadline.
- Application packet includes:
Petition Statement: The Reinstatement Committee will be looking for evidence that you have identified the causes that led to your academic difficulties and have taken steps to address them. A petition which demonstrates a reflective assessment of problems and concrete changes in behavior has a better chance of approval.
Your statement should be no longer than 750 words & should include answers to each of the following topics:
- Please reflect on the factors that impacted your academic success and led to dismissal from the Allen School. Be specific.
- What are the behaviors and circumstances that you have already changed or that you plan to change to address the challenges above? Be specific. For example, “trying harder” is not a behavior change.
- How will you hold yourself accountable to these changes?
- What are at least three things you will do that will specifically improve your course work and/or study habits?
- If you have applied for a Former Quarter Drop (FQD) please state that in your reinstatement petition along with the quarter(s) or class(es) for which you are applying.
- Graduation Plan: You must provide a plan that shows what courses you would take from now until graduation. Your course plan should be realistic to your current situation that shows a path to graduation. Your course plan must be signed by an Allen School academic adviser.
- Transcripts: Copy of all relevant transcripts from coursework taken since being dropped from the Allen School.
- (Optional) – Letter of support: This can be from an adviser, campus partner, advocate, healthcare provider, etc. The intention is to allow people from a student’s support network to provide context and additional information, if it is determined that it would be helpful. If you are unsure about whether a letter of support would be helpful, please check in with an Allen School academic adviser.
Application Deadlines
A complete application packet must be submitted via Google Form no later than 2 business days before the start of the intended reinstatement quarter, with two weeks preferred. Please review the UW Academic Calendar for quarter start dates. The Retention Committee will respond to you with a decision within one week.
Please note that there are several other applications & processes that you may need to be aware of when considering reinstatement, including applying as a returning student to UW, Arts & Sciences or College of Engineering college reinstatement, financial aid, international student, and others. Again, please make sure you are working closely with Allen School academic advising to make sure that you aware of all upcoming deadlines.
You may register to take any CSE course for a second time during all registration periods.
If you want to take a course for a third time, you will need to fill out this petition. Before petitioning, first meet with your UAA, OMA&D, ENGRUD, or major academic advisor to discuss:
- Why you want to repeat the course
- Reasons you did not do well in the course before
- What has changed since the last time you took the course
- What your course load and other responsibilities are like for the quarter
- The resources and skills you will utilize in your repeat of the course
You should also research and explore these campus resources before you take a course for a third time:
Your goal should be to maximize your ability to pass the course.
The Allen School does not allow students to take courses for a fourth time.
While the University has regulations governing scholastic eligibility for continuance, the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering have adopted additional requirements in order to best make use of the limited facilities and resources available as well as to provide reasonable assurance for academic success. Each student who accepts admission into the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering undergraduate program agrees to be bound by the provisions of this document.
Criteria for Continuation
Allen School undergraduate students are expected to make satisfactory progress towards the attainment of their Allen School degree.
- Students must complete three (3) courses applicable toward their degree program each academic quarter except summer quarter.
- Students who wish to do less than 3 courses during an academic quarter must submit a request and receive approval from the Allen School.
- For students pursuing two or more majors or degrees: If a student completes their Computer Science (CS) or Computer Engineering (CE) degree requirements and reaches 210 credits, they must take at least three (3) courses per quarter towards their other degree(s) to maintain satisfactory progress in the Allen School.
Students must complete at least one (1) Math, CSE or Science degree-required course toward their Allen School degree each academic quarter except summer quarter OR a minimum of three (3) Math, CSE, or Science degree-required courses total toward their degree per academic year excluding summer quarter.
Allen School undergraduate students are expected to be enrolled in at least 12 credits per quarter, beginning the quarter in which they were admitted to the program.
- Students who wish to do less than 12 credits per quarter or take a quarter off during the academic year must submit a request and receive approval from the Allen School.
- For students in their final quarter before graduating: If a student wishes to enroll in less than 12 credits in their final quarter before graduating, they must have a graduation application on file and do not need to submit a request.
Allen School undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00, and thereby avoid being placed on University Low Scholarship.
If a course is taken more than once, all grades will be used in computing the grade point averages.
Allen School undergraduate students must earn a cumulative CSE grade point average of at least a 2.00. The CSE GPA includes all CSE courses taken in the Allen School.
If a course is taken more than once, all grades will be used in computing the grade point averages.
Allen School undergraduate students must earn a numerical grade of 2.0 for any course required for the Computer Science or Computer Engineering majors in order to count towards their degree.
- The minimum acceptable grade for any course required for the computer science or computer engineering majors (e.g. CSE majors courses, Math 208, ENGR 231, approved natural science, etc.) is 2.0. A course may be taken a maximum of two times to satisfy this requirement. All other course requirements are subject to the University’s minimum grade policy.
- Students who received below a 2.0 for any course required for the Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree due to extenuating circumstances may submit a petition and receive approval by the Allen School in order for the course count towards their degree requirement.
Explanation of Satisfactory Progress
Due to limited resources and the need to maintain program quality, we are not able to accept all students who apply to study Computer Science & Engineering (CSE).
Beyond competitive admission to the Allen School, the CSE Satisfactory Progress Policy has been developed to use available resources effectively and to best serve CSE students. Each student who accepts admission into the Computer Science & Engineering degree programs agrees to be bound by the provisions of this document. Certain levels of academic performance are required to continue in good standing in the Allen School. The criteria and procedures below will be used in administering the CSE Satisfactory Progress Policy. These criteria and procedures are in addition to those of the University of Washington.
1. Students must complete three courses applicable toward their degree program each academic quarter in residence except summer quarter.
- For students pursuing two or more majors or degrees: If a student completes their CS or CE degree requirements and reaches 210 credits, they must take at least 3 courses per quarter towards their other degree(s) to maintain satisfactory progress in CS or CE. Furthermore, any student with 210 or more credits who has completed their CS or CE degree requirements must wait until registration Period 3 to add CSE courses.
2. Students must complete at least one CSE course toward their degree per quarter, or a minimum of three CSE courses toward their degree per year.
3. In exceptional circumstances students may petition to take fewer than the minimum requirements stated in item 1 above. See an adviser if you wish to petition.
4. The minimum acceptable grade for any course required for the computer science or computer engineering majors (e.g. CSE majors courses, Math 208, TC 231, approved science, etc.) is 2.0. A course may be taken a maximum of two times to satisfy this requirement. All other course requirements are subject to the University’s minimum grade policy.
5. A student’s quarterly grade point average, and overall cumulative UW grade point average, must not fall below 2.0. If a course is taken more than once, all grades will be used in computing the grade point averages.
6. Students must not engage in academic misconduct. Students in good standing who are found responsible for a violation of the academic misconduct policy will immediately lose their Satisfactory Progress good standing and will be put on school probation, in addition to any University disciplinary sanction which may be imposed through the Student Conduct Code process. Students who violate the academic misconduct policy who are already on CSE departmental probation may be removed from their major and the Allen School.
7. Graduation applications must be filed in accordance with University rules and regulations so that graduation takes place once all the requirements are satisfied.
8. Students who withdraw from the University without prior written approval of the school, or are dropped for non-payment of fees, will forfeit their place in the program. Students must reapply for admission and, if re-admitted, must fulfill the requirements in effect at the time of re-admission.
Each student’s progress is reviewed at the conclusion of each quarter to ensure compliance with the criteria set forth above. In the event that a student fails to meet the criteria for CSE Satisfactory Progress, a message which indicates the reason(s) for the probationary status will be sent via email. Students who fail to meet the criteria for CSE Satisfactory Progress for two consecutive quarters in residence will be dismissed from the program. In addition, students who accumulate three total quarters of CSE probationary status will also be dismissed from the program. Such action will be communicated in writing to students via email and any current registrations or pre-registrations in departmental courses will be canceled.
It is the responsibility of Computer Science & Engineering students to ensure that they meet all of the degree requirements. Assistance in the program planning is available from an undergraduate advisor. Application for graduation should be made with an advisor at least two quarters prior to the quarter students wish to graduate. See Degree Requirements for more details.