Annual Fund
Make an immediate impact in the Allen School’s priority areas!
Every year, hundreds of friends and alumni choose to support the Annual Fund at levels between tens of dollars and thousands of dollars. These annual gifts support all of our priority areas. As examples, they may provide:
- “Startup packages” that allow us to attract the very finest new faculty and help them launch their careers
- Graduate fellowships that are critically important in the competition to recruit the best students
- Undergraduate scholarships that make an Allen School education accessible to promising students regardless of means
- Funds for targeted innovations in research or teaching
Annual gifts are important because they are flexible, and they can have an immediate impact – even greater impact if matched by an employer!
Your gift – at any level – is vital because it immediately addresses our areas of greatest need.
How to support the Annual Fund
Your gift to the Allen School is tax deductible – you will receive a receipt from the University of Washington Foundation, EIN 94-3079432.
- You can make a secure gift online using your credit card (there is a search function, but not all funds are listed online)
- You can transfer a gift of stock (special tax advantages apply to gifts made by transferring appreciated securities)
- You can give from a donor advised fund
- You can make a wire transfer
- You can send a check (to Marzette Mondin, Box 352180, Seattle WA 98195-2180)
- You can perhaps obtain a corporate match – complete instructions are available for employees of many major companies
If you need additional information or would like assistance in making your gift, contact Ed Lazowska, Professor, and Bill & Melinda Gates Chair emeritus, in the Paul G. Allen School, lazowska (at), or Marzette Mondin, Director of Advancement in the Paul G. Allen School, marz (at)
Profile: Annual giving supports Allen School “Capstone Design Courses”

Alumnus Rob Short and his wife, Emer Dooley, have provided Annual Fund gifts that the chair used to support Professor Gaetano Borriello’s Capstone Design Course in embedded systems. Rob and Emer’s generosity made it possible to acquire advanced hardware components for specific projects, enabling students to tackle projects of a sophistication that simply would not be possible without private support. The W.T. Baxter Computer Engineering Laboratory in the Allen Center provides a wonderful home for this activity, making support such as Rob’s and Emer’s even more important.
“Capstone Design Courses” are a hallmark of the Allen School’s undergraduate program. In these courses, teams of students tackle complex hardware, software, and embedded system design and implementation projects of their own invention. In any particular year, Capstone Design Courses are likely to be offered in topics such as computer animation, embedded system design, digital system design, distributed multi-player video games, and Internet systems.
Interested in learning more?
Contact Ed Lazowska, Professor, and Bill & Melinda Gates Chair emeritus, in the Paul G. Allen School, lazowska (at), or Marzette Mondin, Director of Advancement in the Paul G. Allen School, marz (at)