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Friends & Supporters

Ways to Give

The Allen School is at the forefront of technological innovation, driving progress and shaping the future.

When you make a gift to the Allen School, you become our partner in educating the next generation of computer scientists and computer engineers, developing solutions to society’s greatest challenges, and engaging with the community to enhance our region’s and our nation’s competitiveness.

Your donation can help us continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible. By supporting our programs, you’ll be investing in future leaders and problem-solvers. Join us in our mission to empower students and drive progress through cutting-edge technology and groundbreaking research.

Your generosity makes a difference.

Online Giving

You can make a secure gift online using your credit card (there is a search function, but not all funds are listed online)

Gift of Stock

You can transfer a gift of stock (special tax advantages apply to gifts made by transferring appreciated securities)

Donor Advised Fund

Recommending a gift to the Allen School through your donor advised fund (DAF) is simple. 

Wire Transfer

You can make wire transfer by filling out a simple form.

Send a Check

You can send a check (to Gift Services, Box 359505, Seattle, WA 98195-9505)

Corporate Match

You can perhaps obtain a corporate match – complete instructions are available for employees of many major companies

Your gift to the Allen School is tax deductible – you will receive a receipt from the University of Washington Foundation, EIN 94-3079432.

If you need additional information or would like assistance in making your gift, contact Ed Lazowska, Professor, and Bill & Melinda Gates Chair emeritus, in the Paul G. Allen School, lazowska (at), or Marzette Mondin, Director of Advancement in the Paul G. Allen School, marz (at)

Thank you for supporting the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington — together, we WILL change the world!