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Industry Affiliates

Member Benefits

The benefits of the Allen School’s Industry Affiliates program to member companies include:

  • Attendance at an annual Industry Affiliates Program meeting that features research overviews by faculty, in-depth research presentations and demonstrations by students on current work, and working sessions on common technical areas with both faculty and students
  • Participation in twice-yearly Allen School recruiting fairs
  • Access to online resumes submitted by graduating students at all degree levels, as well as ability to post open positions on CSE’s jobs board
  • Seminars by faculty members at the affiliate company’s site (upon request)
  • Announcements of interesting seminars and presentations
  • Contact with technical and administrative representatives of other affiliate companies
  • Many opportunities for informal interactions

The annual meeting is an opportunity for the Allen School and our industry affiliates to come together and discuss topics and issues of mutual interest. All the faculty attend, as well as most of our students, and we ask for at least one to three representatives from each member company to attend. The meeting features the following:

  • Opportunities to interview and discuss employment opportunities with our undergraduate and graduate students for both permanent and co-op/internship positions
  • Research overviews by faculty and updates on recent developments and research results within the school
  • Small focused sessions organized by research areas where students, faculty, and affiliates can interact in a workshop setting and discuss research areas in depth
  • Demonstrations of software and hardware systems developed by our research projects
  • One-on-one meetings with individual faculty and students to create and/or continue collaborations
  • Discussion of the educational mission of the school and the continuous changes and improvements made to the curriculum
  • Interact with other affiliate members