Community Feedback
When Something Isn’t Right in Our Community
The Allen School is committed to an inclusive community where everyone can thrive. When we fall short, it’s important for you to take action so others on campus can help you. Unfortunately, a university is a complicated place where the array of options to report and tackle a problem can be dizzying. We recognize a lack of clarity on how to report issues is itself one barrier to equity and inclusion. On this page, we aim to provide pointers for various members of our community on how to report different types of problems. For feedback on this page itself, please contact Vice Director Dan Grossman ( and Director Magda Balazinska ( emails and other written documents are generally subject to public-records requests, meaning they may not remain confidential, but student-privacy laws mean that student names and other identifying information are likely to remain confidential if you are a student. (This web page was not written by lawyers.)
Choose the section under Allen School Resources that is right for you and/or see Campus-level Resources below.
Allen School Resources
If you would like to share with us an issue that occurred in an Allen School course, please proceed as follows:
- In many cases, the first course of action is to send the course instructor email. If that does not suffice, you may email the undergraduate advisers ( and/or Vice Director Dan Grossman ( directly. You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- You can provide feedback anonymously via By default, this feedback goes to the course instructor, but you may add members of the Allen School academic and advising leadership and/or remove the instructor. Anonymous feedback is processed within 2-4 business days.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. The college has set up a reporting structure to be used by all units within the college. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also send an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - See also Campus-level Resources.
- Note: Please also complete course evaluations at the end of the quarter — we take constructive feedback seriously toward improving our courses.
To share with us an issue that occurred outside of a course or if you have any comments about the Allen School that go beyond a single course, please proceed as follows (see above for issues related to a course):
- When in doubt, reach out to the Allen School undergraduate advisers ( and/or your assigned adviser. You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- For non-sensitive matters that may be of interest to others, post to the Edstem Discussion Board.
- For anonymous feedback to Allen School leadership and/or the Director of Student Services, Crystal Eney, use Anonymous feedback is processed within 2-4 business days. For non-anonymous feedback, you can also email directly.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. You may or may not choose to speak to an Allen School adviser first. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also consider sending an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - Teaching Assistants, research assistants, and other Academic Students Employees (ASEs) are represented by the UAW Local 4121 with working conditions governed by a union contract that includes a grievance procedure. You can find Allen School stewards listed on the leadership page.
- See also Campus-level Resources,
- When in doubt, reach out to any individual staff member on the graduate student services team. You can also reach out to the faculty Associate Director for Graduate Studies, Stefano Tessaro ( You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- For anonymous feedback to Allen School leadership and/or the staff Director of Graduate Student Services and others, use Anonymous feedback is processed within 2-4 business days. For non-anonymous feedback, you can also email directly.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. You may or may not choose to speak to an Allen School adviser first. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also consider sending an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - The UAW Local 4121 union can support all Ph.D. students on issues including workplace discrimination, harassment, healthcare, working conditions, and more via
contract enforcement, a formal grievance procedure, and/or collective advocacy. You can contact the Allen School stewards listed on the union leadership page. - See also “Campus-level Resources” at the bottom of this page.
- When in doubt, reach out to Postdoc Program Manager Kate Gayle ( You can also reach out to the faculty Postdoc Coordinator Prof. Yoshi Kohno ( You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- For anonymous feedback to Allen School leadership, use Anonymous feedback is processed within 2-4 business days. For non-anonymous feedback, you can also email directly.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. You may or may not choose to speak to an Allen School adviser first. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also consider sending an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - The UAW Local 4121 union can support all postdocs on issues including workplace discrimination, harassment, healthcare, working conditions, and more via contract enforcement, a formal grievance procedure, and/or collective advocacy. You can contact the Allen School stewards listed on the union leadership page.
- See also Campus-level Resources/
To share with us an issue that occurred outside of a course or if you have any comments about the Allen School that go beyond a single course, please proceed as follows (see above for issues related to a course):
- When in doubt, reach out to the B.S./M.S. Program Manger, Maggie Morris ( You can also reach out to the faculty coordinator for the program, Richard Anderson ( You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- For anonymous feedback to Allen School leadership Anonymous feedback is processed within 2-4 business days. For non-anonymous feedback, you can also email directly.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. You may or may not choose to speak to an Allen School adviser first. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also consider sending an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - Teaching Assistants, research assistants, and other Academic Students Employees (ASEs) are represented by the UAW Local 4121 with working conditions governed by a union contract that includes a grievance procedure. You can find Allen School stewards listed on the leadership page.
- See also Campus-level Resources
- When in doubt, reach out to Program Manager Kate Gayle ( You can also reach out to the faculty coordinator for the program, Dan Suciu ( You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- For anonymous feedback to course instructors and/or Allen School leadership, use Anonymous feedback is processed within 2-4 business days. For non-anonymous feedback, you can also email directly.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also send an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - See also Campus-level Resources.
- In many cases, first check with your supervisor. When that is not a viable first step, you can reach out to Assistant Director of HR Megan Russell ( directly. You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- For anonymous feedback to the Allen School leadership, you can use Anonymous feedback is processed within 2-4 business days. For non-anonymous feedback, you can also email directly.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also send an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - Classified Staff are represented by the SEIU 925 with working conditions governed by a union contract that includes a grievance procedure.
- Professional Staff employment conditions and policies are outlined in the Professional Staff Program which includes a complaint process.
- See also Campus-level Resources.
- You can contact your mentors and/or Allen School Director Magda Balazinska directly. You should expect an answer within 2-4 business days.
- To report a bias incident or bias concern, see the College of Engineering’s resource. If you want to make sure the Allen School
knows about your report, please also send an email to Ben Shapiro ( and Magda Balazinska ( - See also Campus-level Resources.
Campus-level Resources
- Campus level resources not specific to the Allen School include:
- UW Human Resources Complaint Resolution webpage.
- UW SafeCampus is available 24/7 for the safety or well-being of any UW community member (but for urgent matters, dial 911).
- The Livewell Confidential Advocate provides a safe and confidential space to help students identify what they want or need after an incident of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking or sexual harassment has occurred. While this service is only for students, the webpage includes contact information for a UWPD advocate that serves students, faculty, and staff and many other resources.
- The Office of the Ombud for a confidential environment to pursue options regardless of the issue.
- The Civil Rights Investigation Office investigates complaints made about UW employees and students relating to civil rights such as protection from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct. This includes employee or student conduct that may have violated Title IX and student conduct that may have violated the University’s Student Conduct Code.
- The Office of the ADA Coordinator addresses concerns or inquiries regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).