We are celebrating our 42nd year of Distinguished Lectures at the Allen School. Here is a complete list of all lecturers, in reverse chronological order:
- November 21, 2024
Marc Raibert, The AI Institute
Dynamic Robots Today and Tomorrow - November 14, 2024
Larry Zitnik, Meta
The Frontiers of Modeling Atoms with AI - October 31, 2024
Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley
Robot Learning, with inspiration from child development - October 24, 2024
Ryan Williams, MIT CSAIL
A Dogged Pursuit For Satisfaction - October 10, 2024
Emily Mower Provost, University of Michigan
From Speech to Emotion to Mood: Mental Health Modeling in Natural Environments - February 8, 2024
Kyunghyun Cho, New York University
Beyond Test Accuracies for Studying Deep Neural Networks - February 1, 2024
Joshua Miele, Amazon Lab126 | UC Berkeley
Accessibility in the Open – Driving global disability equity through open source - January 25, 2024
Dragomir Anguelov, Waymo
Toward Total Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving
Taskar Memorial Lecture 2023 - January 18, 2024
Fei-Fei Li, Stanford University
What we see and what we value: AI with a human perspective - November 30, 2023
Liang Huang, Oregon State University | Coderna.ai
Language AI for RNA Virus and RNA Vaccine - November 9, 2023
Bill Dally, NVIDIA
Trends in Deep Learning Hardware - October 12, 2023
Byron Cook, Amazon
On making mathematic proof a business - April 25, 2023
Sebastien Bubeck, Microsoft Research
First Contact - March 28, 2023
Peter Lee, Microsoft Research & Incubations
The Emergence of General AI for Medicine - January 19, 2023
Telle Whitney, Co-Founder, GHC and NCWIT
Technology Innovation and Inclusion: the five Cs – an entrepreneurial journey toward an inclusive future - January 12 ,2023
Amin Vahdat, Google
Reinventing Computing: How necessity will transform next-generation infrastructure - November 10, 2022
Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Chief Accessibility Officer, Microsoft
Accessibility at Microsoft - April 26, 2022
David Patterson, UC Berkeley + Google
A Decade of Machine Learning Accelerators: Lessons Learned and Carbon Footprint - April 21, 2022
Christos Papadimitriou, Columbia University
How does the brain beget the mind? - February 17, 2022
Shafi Goldwasser, UC Berkeley
Safe ML: robustness, verification and Privacy - January 27, 2022
Mark Guzdial, University of Michigan
Changing Computing To Make It “For All” - January 20, 2022
Josiah Hester, Northwestern University
Batteries Not Included: Reimagining Computing for the Next Trillion Devices - January 13, 2022
Umesh Vazirani, UC Berkeley
A Quantum Wave in Computing - December 9, 2021
Carole-Jean Wu, Facebook
Scaling AI Sustainably: Environmental Implications, Challenges and Opportunities - December 2, 2021
Gabriel Loh, AMD
The Motivation for Chiplets and their Adoption in AMD Processors - October 21, 2021
Bill Weihl, ClimateVoice
Why Companies Should Lobby for Climate and How Students Can Help - May 20, 2021
Aaron Roth, University of Pennsylvania
Online Multivalid Learning: Multicalibration and Multivalid Prediction Intervals for Worst Case Data - February 11, 2021
Sarita Adve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Systems 2030: The Extended Reality Case - January 21, 2021
Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University
Networks Capable of Change - December 10, 2020
Brad Calder, Google
Five Nines Applications in the Cloud - December 3, 2020
Kunle Olukotun, Stanford University
Machine Learning and Systems a Virtuous Cycle - October 29, 2020
Cory Doctorow, Author, Journalist and Technology Activist
Early-Onset Oppenheimers - February 27, 2020
Fernando Pereira, Google AI
Representation learning, inference, and reasoning
Taskar Memorial Lecture 2020 - January 16, 2020
Kathleen McKeown, Columbia University
Where Natural Language Processing Meets Societal Needs - December 5, 2019
Ayanna Howard, Georgia Institute of Technology
Roving for a Better World - November 14, 2019
Elizabeth Spelke, Harvard University, NSF-MIT Center for Brains, Minds and Machines
From Core Concepts to New Systems of Knowledge - October 29, 2019
David Patterson, UC Berkeley/Google
Domain Specific Architectures for Deep Neural Networks: Three Generations of Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) - 10/10/2019
Jeff Dean, Google
“Deep Learning to Solve Challenging Problems” - 05/02/2019
Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania
“The Ethical Algorithm”
Taskar Memorial Lecture 2019 - 02/21/2019
Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University
“Towards a Lasting Human-AI Interaction” - 12/06/2018
Olga Troyanskaya, Princeton University
“Data-driven understanding of human disease: from machine learning methods to biological discoveries” - 12/04/2018
Margo Seltzer, University of British Columbia
“Systems Research — construed broadly” - 03/01/2018
Michael Jordan, University of California, Berkeley
“On Gradient-Based Optimization: Accelerated, Stochastic and Nonconvex”
Taskar Memorial Lecture 2018 - 12/14/2017
C. Mohan, IBM Almaden Research Center
“New Era in Distributed Computing with Blockchains and Databases” - 10/12/2017
Scott Klemmer, UC San Diego
“Design at Large: real-world, large scale, and sometimes disruptive” - 02/07/2017
Andy Jassy, Amazon Web Services
“Seattle: Epicenter of the Cloud” - 02/02/2017
Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley
“Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotics”
Taskar Memorial Lecture 2017 - 01/19/2017
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
“Bringing People Closer to Data” - 01/17/2017
Chris Stolte, Tableau Software
“Hiding the metadata in chat systems” - 01/10/2017
David Karger, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
“Higher Fidelity Systems for Online Discussion and End-User Data Interaction” - 11/15/2016
Umar Saif, Information Technology University, Lahore, Pakistan
“Designing Technology for the “Other” 5 Billion” - 11/10/2016
Mirella Lapata, University of Edinburgh
“What’s This Movie About? Automatic Content Analysis and Summarization” - 01/21/2016
Daphne Koller, Coursera
“MOOCs Turn 4: What Have We Learned?”
Taskar Memorial Lecture 2016 - 12/17/2015
John Markoff, New York Times
“Machines of Loving Grace: Terminator Anxiety, or will the Robots Arrive Just in Time?” - 12/10/2015
Jeannette Wing, Microsoft Research
“Research at Microsoft: Looking Beyond the Horizon” - 12/08/2015
Alan Eustace, Google (retired)
“Stratospheric Exploration — The Ultimate Science Project” - 10/27/2015
David Patterson, UC Berkeley
“Instruction Sets Want To Be Free: A Case for RISC-V” - 10/06/2015
David Salesin, Adobe
“Observations On Doing Research and On Creating Sublime User Experiences” - 02/26/2015
Jeff Dean, Google
“Large-Scale Deep Learning for Building Intelligent Computer Systems” - 01/15/2015
Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
“Incentives for Collective Behavior: Badges, Procrastination, and Long-Range Goals “ - 10/30/2014
Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley
“Seeking Simplicity in Search User Interfaces” - 10/28/2014
Hadi Partovi, Co-founder of non-profit Code.org, Entrepreneur
“Computer Science: Changing the World vs. Making Money” - 10/09/2014
Larry Smarr, UC San Diego, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
“Quantifying the Dynamics of Your Superorganism Body Using Big Data Supercomputing” - 2/11/2014
Lillian Lee, Cornell University
“Creating an Environment for Innovation” - 2/4/2014
Tony DeRose, Pixar
“Recent Research at Pixar” - 12/3/2013
Michael I. Jordan, UC Berkeley
“On the Computational and Statistical Interface and “Big Data” - 11/7/2013
Silvio Micali, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
“Proofs, Secrets, and Computation” - 9/26/2013
David Patterson, UC Berkeley
“Myths about MOOCs and Software Engineering Education” - 11/13/2012
Susan Athey, Stanford University (formerly Harvard University)
“Machine Learning meets Economics: Using Theory, Data, and Experiments to Design Markets” - 10/30/2012
Brad Smith, Microsoft Corporation
“Creating an Environment for Innovation” - 10/16/2012
Maria Klawe, Harvey Mudd College
“The Harvey Mudd Story: From 10% to 40% female in CS in three years” - 02/23/2012
Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State University
“Adventures in Scaling the Multicore Memory Wall” - 02/02/2012
Shafi Goldwasser, MIT RSA Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Wiezmann Institute of Science, Israel
“Cryptography when Secrets are Hard to Keep” - 12/08/2011
Michael Nielsen
“Doing Science in the Open” - 11/01/2011
James Hamilton, Amazon Web Services
“Internet-Scale Storage” - 10/26/2011
Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, former CEO Microsoft
“The Opportunity Ahead: A Conversation with Bill Gates” - 10/19/2011
Joe Tucci, EMC
“Cloud + Big Data = Massive Change, Massive Opportunity” - 12/07/10
David Culler, UC Berkeley
“Rethinking the Energy Infrastructure from an IT Perspective” - 11/16/10
Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
“Speaking the Language of Molecules” - 11/02/10
John Hennessy, Stanford University
“The Future of Research Universities” - 10/21/10
Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University
“Never-Ending Learning” - 10/14/10
Steve Ballmer, Microsoft Corporation
“A Conversation with Steve Ballmer” - 12/03/09
Pat Hanrahan, Stanford University
“Why Are Graphics Systems so Fast?” - 11/05/09
Craig Mundie, Microsoft
“Rethinking Computing” - 10/15/09
Irwin Jacobs, Qualcomm co-founder
“From Cell Phones to Smart Phones to Smart Books – An Exciting Journey”
Second Annual Dean Lytle Electrical Engineering Endowed Lecture - 10/06/09
Nathan Myhrvold, Intellectual Ventures and Chris Young, Intellectual Ventures
“Cooking in Silico: Understanding Heat Transfer in the Modern Kitchen” - 10/01/09
Charles Simonyi, Intentional Software
“Return to the Final Frontier” - 02/24/2009
Judy Estrin, JLabs LLC
“Closing the Innovation Gap” - 01/13/2009
Sebastian Thrun, Stanford University
“Robotic Cars: Challenges and Perspectives” - 11/18/2008
Werner Vogels, Amazon.com
“A Head in the Cloud – The Power of Infrastructure as a Service” - 10/28/2008
David Ditzel, Intel
“A 25-Year Perspective on Binary Translation: What Worked, What Didn’t” - 10/14/2008
Vint Cerf, Google
“Internet Evolution and Some Challenges for the Early 21st Century” - 10/07/2008
Jeff Dean, Google
“Research Challenges Inspired by Large-Scale Computing at Google” - 02/07/2008
Joe Hellerstein, UC Berkeley
“Declarative Networking: What’s Next” - 01/24/2008
Bernard Chazelle, Princeton University
“Why the Algorithm Might Soon Be the Only Game in Town” - 11/29/2007
Charles Simonyi, Intentional Software
“Training and Reality: Adventures of a Spaceflight Participant” - 10/25/2007
Dan Olsen, Brigham Young University
“Interactive Machine Learning” - 10/04/2007
T.V. Raman, Google Research
“The Web the Way You Want It” - 02/08/2007
Raghu Ramakrishnan, Yahoo Research (formerly University of Wisconsin)
“Community Systems: The World Online” - 01/18/2007
Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary
“Enhancing Creativity through Toolkits” - 11/09/2006
Larry Peterson, Princeton University
“PlanetLab: Evolution vs Intelligent Design in Global Network Infrastructure” - 10/26/2006
Maurice Herlihy, Brown University
“Taking Concurrency Seriously: New Directions in Multiprocessor Synchronization” - 1/12/2006
Daphne Koller, Stanford University
“Probabilistic Models for Complex Domains: Cells, Bodies, and Webpages” - 01/05/2006
John Guttag, MIT
“Shortening the Control Loop in the Management of Chronic Disease” - 12/08/2005
Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge
“Satan’s Computer – Revisited” - 12/01/2005
Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft
“Helping Kinsey Compute: Statistics with Secrecy” - 10/04/2005
Owen Astrachan, Duke University
“On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science Redux” - 01/25/2005
Terry Winograd, Stanford University
“Designing for Fluent Interaction” - 12/09/2004
David Haussler, UC Santa Cruz
“Using Evolution to Explore the Human Genome” - 12/07/2004
Michael Collins, MIT
“Discriminative Machine Learning Methods for Natural Language Processing” - 11/30/2004
Jan Cuny, University of Oregon
“Broadening Participation in Computer Science: Pipe Dreams for the Pipeline” - 02/24/2004
Leslie Pack Kaelbling, MIT
“Life-Sized Learning” - 02/12/2004
Shree Nayar, Columbia University
“Computational Camera: Redefining the Image” - 12/11/2003
Michael Jordan, UC-Berkeley
“Graphical Models, Kernel Methods and Statistical Learning Algorithms” - 12/02/2003 POSTPONED
Scott Charney, Microsoft
“Critical Infrastructure Protection” - 11/20/2003
Udi Manber, Amazon.com
“All The World’s Information at Everyone’s Fingertips” - 11/21/2002
Moshe Vardi, Rice University
“On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science” - 11/14/2002
Deborah Estrin, UCLA
“Sensor Networks Research: From Rhetoric to Rigor” - 10/31/2002
Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University
“Programming Languages: The Essence of Computer Science” - 02/26/02
Jim Gray, Microsoft Research
“The World Wide Telescope as a Prototype for the New Computational Science” - 12/06/2001
Andrew Blake, Microsoft Research
“Seeing Through the Clutter” - 10/18/2001
Rosalind Picard, MIT
“Machines with Emotional Intelligence” - 10/11/2001
Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
“The Structure of Information Networks” - 10/04/2001
Judea Pearl, UCLA
“Reasoning with Cause and Effect” - 11/30/2000
Jessica Hodgins, Carnegie Mellon University
“Animating Human Motion” - 11/16/2000
Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon University
“The Interdisciplinary Challenge of Building Virtual Worlds” - 10/26/2000
Clifford Nass, Stanford University
“How People Treat Interfaces Like People: Social Psychology and Design” - 10/5/2000
Tony DeRose, Pixar
“Behind the Scenes at Pixar” - 12/2/1999
David Tennenhouse, DARPA
“Proactive Computing” - 11/4/1999
Eva Tardos, Cornell University
“Approximation Algorithms for Some Clustering and Classification Problems” - 10/14/1999
Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan
“Schools Don’t Want Technology, Schools Want Curriculum” - 10/7/1999
Hal Varian, UC-Berkeley
“Five Forces in the Network Economy” - 3/4/1999
David Clark, MIT
“Internet Telephony: Will it kill the telephone companies, the Internet, or both?” - 12/3/1998
Randy Katz, UC-Berkeley
“Beyond Third Generation Cellular Networks” - 11/12/1998
Michael Stonebraker, Informix Software
“A DBMS View of Middleware” - 10/8/1998
James Foley, Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab
“There’s More to Computing than Computer Science” - 2/19/1998
Jeannette Wing, Carnegie Mellon University
“Formal Methods: Past, Present and Future” - 11/13/1997
Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics
“Scalable Computer System Architecture” - 11/6/1997
Christos Papadimitriou, UC-Berkeley
“Computational Aspects of Organizational Theory” - 10/19/1997
Dave Patterson, UC-Berkeley
“Intelligent RAM (IRAM)” - 10/24/1996
Randy Bryant, Carnegie Mellon University
“Multipliers and Dividers: Insights on Arithmetic Circuit Verification” - 10/17/1996
Randall Davis, MIT
“IP Meets IT: The Problems and Opportunities of Intellectual Property in the Information Age” - 10/10/1996
Bob Sproull, Sun Microsystems Labs
“Tradeoffs in a Graphics System Design” - 10/3/1996
Paul Hudak, Yale University
“An Algebraic Approach to Multimedia Programming” - 10/26/1995
Shafi Goldwasser, MIT
“On the Theory and Applications of Probabilistically Verifiable Proofs” - 10/19/1995
Donald Norman, Apple Computer
“Trends in the Computer Industry: Life-Long Subscriptions, Magical Cures, and the Search for Profits Along the Information Highway” - 10/12/1995
Vinton Cerf, MCI Data & Information Center
“Harvesting the Internet Windfall” - 10/5/1995
James Allen, University of Rochester
“Conversational Planning Agents” - 5/11/1995
Maria Klawe, University of British Columbia
“Electronic Games and Interactive Multi-Media: A Power-Up for Math and Science Education?” - 5/4/1995
Nils Nilsson, Stanford University
“Artificial Intelligence: Where Are We? Where Are We Going?” - 4/27/1995
Ed Catmull, Pixar
“The Problems of Lighting in Computer Graphics” - 4/20/1995
David Johnson, Bell Laboratories
“The Traveling Salesman Problem” - 1/27/1994
Fred Brooks, UNC-Chapel Hill
“Is There Any Real Virtue in Virtual Reality?” - 10/28/1993
Sue Graham, UC-Berkeley
“Language-Based Interactive Environments” - 10/21/1993
Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon University
“Autonomous Robots” - 10/14/1993
David DeWitt, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Parallel Database Systems: The Future of High Performance Database Processing” - 4/29/1993
Eric Lander, MIT
“Mapping the Human Genome: Biological and Computational Challenges” - 10/29/1992
John Hennessy, Stanford University
“Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors and the DASH Approach” - 10/22/1992
Rodney Brooks, MIT
“Intelligence as an Emergent Phenomenon” - 10/1/1992
Leonard Kleinrock, UCLA
“Issues in Gigabit Networks” - 10/24/1991
Manuel Blum, UC-Berkeley
“Designing Programs to Check Their Work” - 10/17/1991
Barbara Grosz, Harvard University
“Collaborative Planning for Cooperative Human-Computer Communication and Problem-Solving” - 10/10/1991
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC-Berkeley
“Computer-Aided Design of Electronic Systems: The Playground of the Renaissance Man of the 1990s” - 10/3/1991
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
“A Look at the Evolution of Software for Numerical Linear Algebra” - 10/25/1990
Barbara Liskov, MIT
“Uses of Synchronized Clocks in Distributed Systems” - 10/18/1990
Andries van Dam, Brown University
“Electronic Books: User-Controlled Animation in a Hypermedia Framework” - 10/11/1990
Nancy Lynch, MIT
“Some New Results in the Theory of Real-Time Computing” - 10/4/1990
Ken Kennedy, Rice University
“Compiling for High Performance on the Intel Touchstone” - 11/2/1989
Tad Pinkerton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“What’s Enough Computing” - 10/26/1989
Ralph Griswold, University of Arizona
“The Icon Programming Language” - 10/19/1989
Nico Habermann, Carnegie Mellon University
“Computer Science: Science, Engineering or Management?” - 10/12/1989
David Benson, Washington State University
“Why Computer Science is Harder than Physics” - 10/5/1989
W. Kahan, UC-Berkeley
“Floating-Point Exception Handling” - 11/9/1988
Ivan Sutherland, Sutherland, Sproull and Associates
“Asynchronous Systems” - 11/3/1988
Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University
“Can We Build Learning Robots?” - 10/20/1988
Arvind, MIT
“Can Dataflow Subsume von Neumann Computing?” - 10/6/1988
Leslie Lamport, Digital Equipment Corporation
“Everything You Need to Know to Reason About Concurrent Programs But No One Ever Told You Because It’s So Simple” - 10/29/1987
Jeffrey Ullman, Stanford University
“Object-Oriented Databases: Hot New Idea, or Blast from the Past?” - 10/22/1987
William Gates, Microsoft Corporation
“Further Computing the Direction of Microsoft” - 10/15/1987
Alfred Aho, AT&T
“Little Languages” - 10/8/1987
Michael Duff, University College London
“Image Processing Computers — The Way Ahead?” - 10/1/1987
Robert Balzer, USC
“Living in the Next Generation Operating System” - 10/30/1986
Michael Stonebraker, UC-Berkeley
“The Design of Postgres” - 10/23/1986
C.A.R. Hoare, Oxford University
“Formal Methods of Software Development” - 10/16/1986
Charles Thacker, Digital Equipment Corporation
“Firefly: A Multiprocessor Workstation” - 10/9/1986
Michael Fischer, Yale University
“Trends in the Theory of Distributed Computing” - 10/31/1985
Richard Karp, UC-Berkeley
“The Complexity of Parallel Computation” - 10/24/1985
Jack Schwartz, New York University
“Algorithms for Shape Recognition in 2 and 3 Dimensions, and Their Implementation in Neural Nets” - 10/17/1985
William Wulf, Tartan Laboratories
“Capital Intensive Software Development” - 10/10/1985
Mani Chandy, University of Texas
“How Processes Learn: A Paradigm for Distributed Algorithms” - 10/25/1984
Kenneth Batcher, Goodyear Aerospace Corporation
“Parallel Processors and Communications” - 10/18/1984
Raj Reddy, Carnegie Mellon University
“Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” - 10/11/1984
Michael Rabin, Harvard University and Hebrew University
“Concurrency Control and Synchronization Through Randomness” - 10/4/1984
David Gries, Cornell University
“Another Look at ‘Abstract Data Types’ in Terms of Practical Programming” - 10/27/1983
Herman Goldstine, Institute for Advanced Study
“A History of the Computer” - 10/20/1983
Stephen Cook, University of Toronto
“The Theory of Parallel Computation” - 10/13/1983
Marvin Minsky, MIT
“Artificial Intelligence and Common Sense” - 10/6/1983
E.B. Eichelberger, IBM
“VLSI Design for Testability” - 10/28/1982
Shmuel Winograd, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
“On the Complexity of Matrix Operations” - 10/21/1982
Jim Gray, Tandem Computers
“The Transaction Concept — Virtues and Limitations” - 10/14/1982
Carlo Sequin, UC-Berkeley
“VLSI Multiprocessor Networks” - 10/7/1982
Ronald Rivest, MIT
“Cryptography: Deciphering the Recent Results” - 2/18/1982
David Kuck, University of Illinois
“Compilers and Architectures for High Speed Computers” - 2/4/1982
Alan Kay, Consultant
“Is There Programming After Smalltalk?” - 1/28/1982
Robert Tarjan, Bell Laboratories
“Complexity of Combinatorial Algorithms” - 1/21/1982
James Browne, University of Texas
“A Paradigm for the Formulation of Parallel Programs” - 1/14/1982
Edward McCreight, Xerox PARC
“A View of ADA from Mesa-Land”