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You Can't Play 20 Questions with Nature and Win

Oren Etzioni (CEO Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and UW CSE Professor)

Thursday, December 4, 2014, 3:30pm



Deep learning has catapulted to the front page of the New York Times, formed the core of the so-called "Google brain," and achieved impressive results in vision, speech recognition, and elsewhere. Yet building intelligent systems requires us to go way beyond the capabilities of deep learning and today's data-mining systems. The future of the Big Data paradigm lies in extending these powerful methods to acquire knowledge from text, databases, diagrams, images, and video. We also need to reason tractably using this acquired knowledge to make sense of the world, and to draw novel conclusions. My talk will describe research at the new Allen Institute for AI aimed at building this next generation of intelligent systems.

Bio: Dr. Oren Etzioni is Chief Executive Officer of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. He's been a Professor at the University of Washington's Computer Science department starting in 1991, garnering several awards including Seattle's Geek of the Year (2013), the Robert Engelmore Memorial Award (2007), the IJCAI Distinguished Paper Award (2005), AAAI Fellow (2003), and a National Young Investigator Award (1993). He was also the founder or co-founder of several companies including Farecast (sold to Microsoft in 2008) and Decide (sold to eBay in 2013), and the author of over 100 technical papers that have garnered over 21,000 citations. The goal of Oren's research is to solve fundamental problems in AI, particularly the automatic learning of knowledge from text. Oren received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in 1991, and his B.A. from Harvard in 1986.
