5 Nines Applications in the Cloud
Brad Calder (Google)
Distinguished Lecture Series
Thursday, December 10, 2020, 3:30 pm
Zoom Meeting
The world is interconnected and many businesses have a need for applications to have global reach and 99.999% availability while being run as efficiently as possible. With so many businesses relying on Cloud, Cloud needs to provide the infrastructure and services to be able to achieve this. This talk explores how to achieve this and how to build highly available applications in the Cloud. This includes how to scale microservices, how to manage global traffic, and the building blocks needed to create and manage 99.999% available global applications in the Cloud.
Brad Calder is a VP of Product and Engineering of Technical Infrastructure and Cloud at Google where he oversees the compute, networking, storage, databases, and data analytics services. Before coming to Google in 2015, he was a VP of Engineering for Microsoft Azure and was on the founding team that started Azure in 2006. Before that, Brad was a tenured Professor at the University of California, San Diego in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (from 1997 to 2006) where he graduated 14 PhD students, and published over 100 papers in the areas of systems, architecture and compilers.