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Portrait of Franziska Roesner

Franziska Roesner


Brett Helsel Professor in Computer Science & Engineering

Adjunct, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Adjunct, Department of Human-Centered Design & Engineering

Adjunct, Information School

Expertise: Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality; Human-Computer Interaction; Security & Privacy


Franziska Roesner is a professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, where her research focuses on computer security and privacy. Her interests are broad within that domain, identifying and addressing security and privacy challenges faced by end users of existing and emerging technologies. Roesner co-directs the Security and Privacy Research Lab.

She is also an adjunct professor in the Information School, the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department and the Human Centered Design and Engineering Department at the University of Washington. In addition, she is affiliated with the UW Tech Policy Lab and the UW Center for an Informed Public.

Roesner is chair of the USENIX Security steering committee (after co-chairing the conference in 2020) and was on the USENIX Enigma steering committee (after co-chairing that conference in 2018 and 2019).

She is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award (2017), an Emerging Leader Alumni Award from the UT Austin College of Natural Sciences (2017), an MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Award (2017), a Google Security and Privacy Research Award (2017), an Undergraduate Research Mentor Award (2020), a Consumer Reports Digital Lab Fellowship (2021), and a Google Research Scholar Award (2022).