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Portrait of Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Associate Professor

Torode Family Professor in Computer Science & Engineering

Adjunct, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Adjunct, Department of Linguistics

Expertise: Generative AI; Knowledge Representation & Reasoning; Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing

Office: CSE 470

Hanna Hajishirzi is the Torode Family Associate Professor in the Allen School at the University of Washington, where she leads the H2Lab, and a Senior Director of NLP at AI2. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and spent a year as Postdoctoral associate at Disney Research and CMU.

Hajishirzi’s current research delves into various areas within NLP and AI, with a particular focus on understanding and pushing the boundaries of large language models. She has published more than 140 scientific articles in top-tier journals and conferences in ML, AI, NLP, and Computer Vision. She is a recipient of 2020 Alfred Sloan Fellowship, 2021 NSF CAREER award, 2019 Intel rising star award, 2018 Allen Distinguished Investigator award, 2023 Academic Achievement UIUC Alumni award, 2024 innovator of the year award finalist by GeekWire, and several research faculty awards from industry. The work from her lab has been nominated or received best paper awards at conferences and have been featured in a variety of magazines and newspapers including New York Times, Forbes, NPR, MIT Technology Review, Geekwire, Wired Magazine, and more.