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Portrait of Jen Mankoff

Jen Mankoff


Richard E. Ladner Professor in Computer Science & Engineering

Adjunct, Department of Human-Centered Design & Engineering

Expertise: Accessibility; Ethics & Fairness; Fabrication; Human-Computer Interaction; Ubiquitous Computing, Sensing & Embedded Systems

Office: CSE2 214

Jennifer Mankoff is the Richard E. Ladner Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. Her research is focused on accessibility through giving disabled people the voice, tools and agency to advocate for themselves. She strives to bring both structural and personal perspectives to her work. Mankoff’s work tackles the technical challenges necessary for individuals and communities to solve real-world problems in accessibility, including in domains such as higher education, health, and DIY solutions. She uses technologies including generative AI, data science, 3D printing, and computational knitting in her work. Jennifer received her PhD at Georgia Tech, advised by Gregory Abowd and Scott Hudson, and her B.A. from Oberlin College. She has identified as disabled since graduate school.

Her previous faculty positions include UC Berkeley’s EECS department and Carnegie Mellon’s HCI Institute. Jennifer is a CHI Academy member and has been recognized with a SIGCHI Social Impact Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship and IBM Faculty Fellowship, and an ASSETS 10 year impact award.