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Portrait of James Fogarty

James Fogarty


Expertise: Accessibility; Human-Centered AI; Human-Computer Interaction; Ubiquitous Computing, Sensing & Embedded Systems

Office: CSE 632

James Fogarty is a Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. He is also a core member of the DUB Group, the UW’s cross-campus initiative advancing Human-Computer Interaction and Design research and education.

Fogarty’s broad research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction, User Interface Software and Technology, and Ubiquitous Computing. His focus is on developing, deploying, and evaluating new approaches to the human obstacles surrounding widespread everyday adoption of ubiquitous sensing and intelligent computing technologies.

His research has been directly supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Library of Medicine, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. His group has also been generously supported by Adobe, FXPAL, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Nokia.