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Portrait of Shyam Gollakota

Shyam Gollakota


Washington Research Foundation / Thomas J. Cable Professor in Computer Science & Engineering

Expertise: Computer Networking; Human-Centered AI; Ubiquitous Computing, Sensing & Embedded Systems; Wireless Systems

Office: CSE 568

Shyam Gollakota is a Washington Research Foundation and Thomas J. Cable Endowed Professor and leads the Mobile Intelligence Lab at the University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. His research covers a variety of topics, including machine learning for mobile systems, mobile health, networking, human-computer interaction and battery-free computing. He works across multiple disciplines at the University including Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biology and the School of Medicine. His work has been licensed by ResMed Inc, his startup Sound Life Sciences acquired by Google, and is in use by millions of users. His lab also worked closely with the Washington Department of Agriculture to wireless track the invasive “murder” hornets, which resulted in the destruction of the first nest in the United States.

He is the recipient of a National Science Foundation Career Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, the SIGMOBILE Rockstar award, ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award in 2020 and recently named as a Moore Inventor Fellow in 2021. He was also named in MIT Technology Review’s 35 Innovators Under 35, Popular Science ‘brilliant 10’ and twice to the Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list. His group’s research has earned Best Paper awards at MOBICOM, SIGCOMM, UbiComp, SenSys, NSDI and CHI, appeared in interdisciplinary journals like Nature, Science Robotics, Nature Communications, Science Translational Medicine and Nature Biomedical Engineering as well as named as a MIT Technology Review Breakthrough technology of 2016 as well as Popular Science top innovations in 2015. He is an alumni of MIT (Ph.D., 2013, winner of ACM doctoral dissertation award) and IIT Madras.