Expertise: Data Science; Generative AI; Human-Centered AI; Human-Computer Interaction; Natural Language Processing
Daniel S. Weld is Professor Emeritus at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering and the General Manager & Chief Scientist of Semantic Scholar at the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence. After formative education at Phillips Academy, he received bachelor’s degrees in both Computer Science and Biochemistry at Yale University in 1982. He landed a Ph.D. from the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab in 1988, received a Presidential Young Investigator’s award in 1989, an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator’s award in 1990, was named AAAI Fellow in 1999, deemed ACM Fellow in 2005, and selected to be an AAAS Fellow in 2020. Dan was a founding editor for the Journal of AI Research, was area editor for the Journal of the ACM, guest editor for Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, and was Program Chair for AAAI-96. Dan has published two books and scads of technical papers.
Dan is an active entrepreneur with several patents and technology licenses. He co-founded Netbot Incorporated, creator of Jango Shopping Search (acquired by Excite), AdRelevance, a monitoring service for internet advertising (acquired by Nielsen NetRatings), and data integration company Nimble Technology (acquired by Actuate). Dan is a Venture Partner at the Madrona Venture Group and on the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the Madrona Venture Group.
Dan has taught many courses, including graduate classes on Artificial Intelligence, Extracting, Managing & Personalizing Web Information and Intelligent User Interfaces, and undergraduate classes on Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Internet Systems, and Machine Learning. In 2012, Dan co-organized a workshop on Crowdsourcing Personalized Online Education. During sabbaticals Dan was a visiting professor at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia and visited the VIBE group at Microsoft Research.