Computer architecture, machine learning systems, programming languages, energy-efficient computing, molecular storage and computing.
Computer architecture, hardware design and prototyping, dark silicon, cryptocurrency mining, ASIC Clouds
Affiliate Faculty
Programming languages and compilers
Program verification, programming languages, concurrency, parallel computing
Hardware accelerators for machine learning; emerging memory technologies, including DNA-based digital data storage; the use of biotechnology to the benefit of the IT industry; and system software for these new architectures
Rohan Kadekodi works with professor Baris Kasikci in the Allen School on the design of tiered memory and storage systems for data centers with heterogenous hardware. Kadekodi's previous worked focused on building file and distributed systems aimed at accelerating legacy and new applications on byte addressable storage.
Graduate Students (CSE)
Wen-Hann Wang (1989, Vice President, Intel Labs, Circuits and Systems Research),
Dean Tullsen (1996, UCSD),
Jack Lo (1998, Senior Director, VMWare),
Steve Swanson (2006, UCSD),
Mike Swift (2005, University of Wisconsin),
Josh Redstone (2002, Google),
Rob Bedichek (1994, Apple),
Alex Klaiber (1994, NVIDIA),
Martha Kim (2008, Columbia University),
Jim Archibald (1987, BYU),
Patrick Crowley (2003, Washington University),
John Bennett (1987, University of Colorado),
Scott Hauck (1995, University of Washington Dept. of Electrical Engineering),