Distributed systems, networks, operating systems, security, parallel computing, education
Computer architecture, machine learning systems, programming languages, energy-efficient computing, molecular storage and computing.
Computational health, AI for sound, networks, bio-robotics, wireless, mobile and ubiquitous computing, sensing, security and privacy
Distributed systems, networks, systems for machine learning
Design, implementation, and analysis of high-performance computing and communication systems; data-intensive discovery (eScience); information technology and public policy
Affiliate Faculty
Rohan Kadekodi works with professor Baris Kasikci in the Allen School on the design of tiered memory and storage systems for data centers with heterogenous hardware. Kadekodi's previous worked focused on building file and distributed systems aimed at accelerating legacy and new applications on byte addressable storage.
Jonggyu Park is a postdoctoral scholar working with Allen School professors Tom Anderson and Simon Peter. Park's research interests include operating systems, storage, and data center infrastructure. In the past, Park has concentrated on developing high-performance computer systems with a particular focus on fairness, tailored specifically for consolidated environments. Presently, Park is dedicated to the design of new, energy-efficient, and carbon-conscious data center infrastructure.
Graduate Students (CSE)
Operating systems, Web services, file systems.
Systems, networks, peer-to-peer systems, system debugging, software engineering, computer-support collaborative work.
Operating systems, security/privacy of mobile devices.