Get Involved
Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- Sign up as a volunteer on our K-12 Outreach mailing list.
- Help as a general volunteer or demo your research at CS Education Week Open House (December) or Engineering Discovery Days (April).
- Apply to be an Allen School Ambassador, a paid position creating and leading K-12 Outreach programs.
- Get involved with a student organization! We have many undergraduate student organizations within the Allen School, including Ability, GEN1, Minorities in Tech (MiT), Q++, and Women in Computing (WiC @ UW). These student-led organizations provide undergraduates with community, peer guidance, personal and professional resources, and leadership opportunities.
- Submit feedback.
- Offer research demos and lab tours to K-12 students: Email outreach@cs… and let our outreach team know you’re interested.
- Volunteer to host a demo or table at our CS Education Week Open House. (December) or Engineering Discovery Days (April).
- Help with the Allen School’s CS track in the Engineering Math Academy.
- Host a student researcher or lead a session for WiSE UP BRIDGE in the College of Engineering (August).
- Join the Allen School’s Industry Affiliates Program, which fosters technical exchange and collaboration, and is the primary mechanism for recruiting Allen School students for internship and job opportunities.
- Participate in one or more Industry Affiliates outreach opportunities, such as serving on an employer panel, delivering a tech talk, or volunteering as an interviewer for mock technical interviews with students preparing to enter the job market.