Get involved with a student organization! We have many undergraduate student organizations within the Allen School, with 5 affiliated with our Diversity & Access Team: Ability, GEN1, Minorities in Tech (MiT), Q++, and Women in Computing (WiC @ UW). These student-led organizations provide undergraduate students with community, peer guidance, and personal and professional resources while also offering leadership opportunities.
Offer research demos and lab tours to K-12 students: Email outreach@cs… and let our outreach team know you’re interested.
Help with the Allen School’s CS track in the Engineering Math Academy
Host a student researcher or lead a session for WiSE UP BRIDGE in the College of Engineering.(August)
Include a Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) proposal in your research grant.
Join the Allen School’s Industry Affiliates Program, which fosters technical exchange and collaboration, and is the primary mechanism for recruiting Allen School students for internship and job opportunities.
Participate in one or more Industry Affiliates outreach opportunities, such as serving on an employer panel, delivering a tech talk, or volunteering as an interviewer for mock technical interviews with students preparing to enter the job market.