AttributeTracker.h [code] | Keep a record of which attributes are active |
batchtest | Performs cross validation of a collection of learners on a collection of datasets |
BeliefNet.h [code] | A Belief Net Structure with CPT local models |
beliefnetcorrupt | Makes some random changes to a BeliefNet |
beliefnetdata | Creates a data set by sampling from a Bayesian Network |
beliefnetscore | Tests a BeliefNet in several ways |
bindata | Converts continuous attributes into discrete ones |
bitfield.h [code] | Compactly represent a bit field |
bnlearn | Learns the structure of a BeliefNet from a data set. Designed to be easily modified |
bnlearn-engine.h [code] | Learn the structure of a BeliefNet from data |
C45interface.h [code] | Calls the C4.5 decision tree learning system and returns the learned tree |
c45wrapper | Calls C4.5 and tests the learned tree |
c50wrapper | Calls C5.0 and tests the learned tree |
cleandata | Cleans up a data set in several ways |
clusterdata | Creates a synthetic data set from randomly generated clusters |
combinedata | Combines a series of data sets into a single large one |
cvfdt | Learns a DecisionTree from a high-speed time-changing data stream (or very large data set) |
Debug.h [code] | A set of functions that help your programs produce debugging output in a consistent way |
decisionstump | Learns a decision stump (a DecisionTree with only one split) |
DecisionTree.h [code] | A Decision Tree Structure |
doxygen.h [code] | Used to hold doxygen documentation. Ignore this file |
Example.h [code] | ADT for training (and testing, etc.) data |
ExampleGenerator.h [code] | Generate a random (but reproducible) data set |
ExampleGroupStats.h [code] | Sufficient statistics for Entropy and Gini |
ExampleSpec.h [code] | Schema for training data |
folddata | Randomly splits a data set into a collection of train/test pairs |
HashTable.h [code] | A hash table |
kmeans | Performs k-means clustering |
lists.h [code] | Generic list functions |
memory.h [code] | Tracks the size of allocations made |
mostcommonclass | Predicts the most common class in the training data |
naivebayes | A Naive Bayes learner |
random.h [code] | Generates random numbers in a number of ways, and has support for saving and restoring the state of the random number generator |
REPrune.h [code] | Peforms reduced error pruning on a decision tree |
sampledata | Draws a sample from a data set |
shuffledata | Randomizes the order of a data set and rewrites it |
stats.h [code] | Some statistical functions |
treedata | Creates a synthetic data set by sampling from a randomly generated DecisionTree |
uRunner | Distribute a collection of jobs across a cluster of computers |
vfbn1 | Learns the structure of a BeliefNet from a very large data set using sampling |
vfbn2 | Learns the structure of a BeliefNet from a very large data set using sampling and a new search proceedure |
vfdt | Learns a decision tree from a high-speed data stream or very large data set |
vfdt-engine.h [code] | An API which lets your program learn a DecisionTree from a high-speed data stream |
vfem | Performs EM clustering |
vfkm | Performs k-means clustering accelerated with sampling |
xvalidate | Performs cross validation of a learner on a data set |