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Core APIs

Detailed Description

These sections should be used as reference for details on the interfaces you can use in your programs. They contain detailed information on all of the APIs that VFML offers.


file  AttributeTracker.h
 Keep a record of which attributes are active.

file  BeliefNet.h
 A Belief Net Structure with CPT local models.

file  bnlearn-engine.h
 Learn the structure of a BeliefNet from data.

file  C45interface.h
 Calls the C4.5 decision tree learning system and returns the learned tree.

file  DecisionTree.h
 A Decision Tree Structure.

file  Example.h
 ADT for training (and testing, etc.) data.

file  ExampleGenerator.h
 Generate a random (but reproducible) data set.

file  ExampleGroupStats.h
 Sufficient statistics for Entropy and Gini.

file  ExampleSpec.h
 Schema for training data.

file  REPrune.h
 Peforms reduced error pruning on a decision tree.

file  vfdt-engine.h
 An API which lets your program learn a DecisionTree from a high-speed data stream.

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