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Learning Programs

Detailed Description

Learning programs that are included with VFML.


file  bnlearn
 Learns the structure of a BeliefNet from a data set. Designed to be easily modified.

file  c45wrapper
 Calls C4.5 and tests the learned tree.

file  c50wrapper
 Calls C5.0 and tests the learned tree.

file  cvfdt
 Learns a DecisionTree from a high-speed time-changing data stream (or very large data set).

file  decisionstump
 Learns a decision stump (a DecisionTree with only one split).

file  kmeans
 Performs k-means clustering.

file  mostcommonclass
 Predicts the most common class in the training data.

file  naivebayes
 A Naive Bayes learner.

file  vfbn1
 Learns the structure of a BeliefNet from a very large data set using sampling.

file  vfbn2
 Learns the structure of a BeliefNet from a very large data set using sampling and a new search proceedure.

file  vfdt
 Learns a decision tree from a high-speed data stream or very large data set.

file  vfem
 Performs EM clustering.

file  vfkm
 Performs k-means clustering accelerated with sampling.

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