Specific projects I've worked on include (more recent at the bottom):
- Scheduler activations, operating system support for multiprocessors
- Lightweight remote procedure call (LRPC)
- DEC SRC's AN2, one of the earliest gigabit LAN switches
- Software-based fault isolation
- MemSpy a system for tuning memory system performance
- The Berkeley Network of Workstations (NOW) clusters project
- xFS, a scalable distributed file system
- IRAM, a project integrating on-chip DRAM and logic
- Eraser, a tool for finding race conditions in concurrent programs
- WebOS, system support for wide area applications
- one.world, system support for pervasive applications
- The Active Names system for extensible Internet protocols
- The Detour project for intelligent overlay routing
- Reverse engineering of the Internet topology, with Rocketfuel, Scriptroute, iPlane, iPlane nano, and Hubble
- Planetlab, a worldwide networking and distributed systems research testbed
- PCP, low-latency, high bandwidth, zero packet loss TCP congestion control
- Solutions to Internet denial of service (network capabilities, TVA, and Phalanx)
- Consensus routing, eliminating convergence blackouts in BGP routing
- Reverse traceroute, diagnosing problems on reverse Internet paths
- BitTyrant, a strategic BitTorrent client
- OneSwarm, a system for high performance and privacy preserving data sharing
- Nachos, a popular project for teaching undergraduate operating systems