Graduate Teaching Assistant, Computer Science and Engineering
Classification Description: Graduate Teaching Assistants lead quiz, discussion, or laboratory sections, serve as a class assistants, or provide supervised teaching.
Graduate TA duties and responsibilities may include the following (specific duties and responsibilities will be provided by the course instructor):
- Attend lectures
- Conduct quiz section meetings
- Facilitate discussions
- Prepare lectures for quiz sections
- Prepare review materials for quiz sections
- Hold extra review sessions for exams
- Hold regular office hours
- Tutor students
- Manage and respond to course-related e-mail
- Prepare webpage for course materials
- Maintain (update) webpage for course materials
- Develop and maintain electronic bulletin boards, discussion sites, etc.
- Prepare assignments
- Grade assignments
- Prepare test questions
- Proctor exams
- Score exams
- Maintain grading records
- Maintain course attendance records
- Calculate quarter grades
- Attend instructor/TA meetings
- Attend TA Training seminar/courses
- Act as liaison/mediator between student and professor
- Prepare lecture materials
- Present lectures
- Prepare handout materials
- Review literature