When absent from his office, Weld can be found at Cafe Allegro or in the stormy mountains, climbing. In the past, he enjoyed traveling the world, but now he's more likely to be found playing with his children Adam, Galen and Leah.
You are invited to visit his ancient galleries of Antarctica, Pacific Northwest, and Desert wilderness photographs, as well as his newer albums.
See also his sabbatical blog on New Zealand, Indonesia & Australia or his illustrated stories about Descending the Noatak River, Kayaking in Antarctica, Exploring Morocco, Trekking in Ethiopia, Traveling in Nambia, Trekking in Pakistan, and his family year-end letters: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011-12, 2013, 2014, 2015-16, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
- Climbing
- Local delight: the North Cascades.
- NW Rib of Forbidden8/02
- The Toothwith Adam & Galen, age 8. 8/04
- McMillian Spire7/05
- Snowking Mt, July 2005.
- Black Peakwith Galen(10) and Leah, age 7. 7/06
- Dumbell & Greenwood(with Galen, age 11.) 9/07.
- Ingalls E Peak (with Margaret). 7/06
- Unicorn Peak(with Leah). 8/08.
- Monte Cristo(with Krzysztof). 9/08.
- Mt Curtiss Gilbert (Goat Rocks). 9/08.
- Red Mt and Cosho from 4th of July Pass7/09.
- Eldorado and Austera (with Adam, Galen & Margaret) 8/10.
- Monument & Lake (with Galen) 8/10.
- Swiss Alps (Matterhorn 9/87, Grand Combin 7/90)
- High Altitude mountaineering in Peru and Bolivia 5/88.
- Climbing in Nepal1991.
- An expedition to Alaska's St. Elias range, 7/95.
- The Picos de Europa rangeof Northern Spain, 4/02.
- Via Feratta in the Dolomites, 6/03
- Yosemite Valley, 6/05.
- Oahu Scrambles . 10/08.
- Local delight: the North Cascades.
- Canyoneering
- Arizona
- Bear Canyon, 4/09.
- Water Holes Canyon4/09.
- Badger & Cathedral Canyons, 4/09.
- Jug of Salome Creek, 4/09.
- Sycamore Canyon & Chiricahua National Monument, 1/10.
- Crete, Greece
- Utah
- Archs National Park
- Medival Chamber4/08.
- Tierdrop Canyon 4/08.
- Buckskin Gulch, 4/09.
- Canyonlands National Park
- Backpack in the Needles with Snow, 3/06
- Canoeing the Green River4/07.
- Canyonlands NP Needles (Backpack with the family, 4/08.
- Escalante
- Coyote Gulch Backpack with Adam and Galen, 4/05
- Llewellyn Canyon5/07
- Davis Canyon5/07
- Neon Canyonand the Golden Cathedral, 5/07
- Egypt 2
- Egypt 3
- The Boulder Mail Trail and Death Hollow, 5/07.
- Lake Powell Area
- Constrychnine5/08.
- Maidenwater 5/08.
- Leprechaun. West Fork5/08. E Fork on 3/04 and again 4/06.
- Blarney, 3/04 and again 4/06
- Arsenic Canyon5/08.
- Trail Canyon5/08.
- Sheleilegh (W fork)
- Zero Gravity
- Robber's Roost: Blue John & Horseshoe Canyons, 3/06
- San Rafell Swell
- Baptist Draw & Chute, 3/04 and again 10/04
- Knotted Rope, 10/04
- Mud, 10/04
- Muddy Creek to Chimney, 4/06
- Music Canyon, 10/04
- Quandry Direct, 10/04
- Ramp & Cistern Loop, 4/06
- Cable Canyon5/08.
- Zero Gravity
- Zion Area
- Birch Hollow into Orderville, 9/05
- Das Bootand on through the Subway, 10/06
- Eye of the Needle (South Fork of Oak Creek). 9/05
- Keyhole, 10/06
- Fat Man's Misery, 9/05
- Imlay(sneak and peek route) 10/06
- Middle Echo Canyon, 9/05
- Mystery10/06
- Parunuweap (E Fork of the Virgin River), 10/02
- Pine Creek Canyon, 10/03 and (again in 9/05)
- Red Cave, 10/06
- Spry Canyon, 10/03
- Virgin Narrows Backpack. 10/03
- Other Utah Pictures
- Archs National Park
- Washington
- South Forkof the Snoqualmie River 10/06
- Thornton Creek8/07.
- Summit Canyon . (with Leah) 8/08.
- French Cabin Creek . (with Marcel) 9/10.
- Arizona
- Kayaking
- Expedition in Antarctica
- Noatak river in Alaska
- Baja, Mexico
- Discovery islands, British Columbia.
- Barkeley Sound, British Columbia
- Halong Bay, Vietnam, 1/07
- Backcountry Skiing
- Expedition to the St. Elias range
- Spearhead Traverse, British Columbia
- Treking & Exploring
- Treking and mountaineering in Peru and Bolivia, 5/88.
- Guatemalan Honeymoon, 1/90
- Irian Jaya: highlands and coastal swamps, 10/91
- Treking and climbing in Nepal
- Northern Thailand: (Trek from Mae Hong Son to Pai) 12/91.
- Cambodia, including Angkor Wat, 12/06
- Vietnam (1/07): Halong Bay kayak, Sapa trek.
- Morocco
- Village hopping in Japan, 8/97.
- Treking in the Tien Shen mountains of Kazakhstan, 8/99.
- A great trip to SE China, 5/01.
- Treking in Patagonia's Torres del Paine, and later in Tiera del Fuego National Park.
- A family safari and visit to the Hadzabe people in Tanzania: my musings, photo album, and Galen'sjournal. 1/04.
- Costa Rica . 12/08.
Finally, a plug for some great charities: Alaska Conservation Foundation, CARE, Help the World See, and Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.